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The Honorable One

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Everything posted by The Honorable One

  2. If someone frees me the grasps of the gingers, my sword will cut down our foes. Since, uh, my double agency did not go well.
  3. Wait! Please! I really do belong here! *shows six strands of ginger hair that only sort of look like the correct color in a very specific lighting.*
  4. Mistborn Secret History Spoilers:
  5. Me: Okay, as soon as I get home from school, I'm going to do all that Geometry homework I have! Also Me: Ooh, look, the Shard!
  6. Yeah! Uh... Nothing can stop the gingers! Forgive me my Lord Stick. I do this so I can take down this most evil organization from the shadows.
  7. I'm dirty blonde/brown most of the time, except in certain lighting, when people say I look ginger Ohh! I'll be a double agent!
  8. There, I think I fixed it. I think my problem was that I just pasted the image in instead of actually inserting it.
  9. Apparently this image wasn't working, I hope it is now
  10. I have a few hairs that look ginger in certain lighting. I don't think it counts though...
  11. I recently watched the movie "The Art of Racing in the Rain." I only cried a few times.
  12. Love Story Meets Viva la Vida by The Piano Guys. It's not on their channel, but you can find other recordings of it on YouTube. I have been listening to it non-stop for weeks.
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