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Everything posted by celerrima

  1. YAY Whisper of the Heart fans. I've seen nearly all their movies and that one usually doesn't get mentioned in talks like these. It's my friend's very favorite actually. I voted for Princess Mononoke for this poll but it was basically a toss up between that and Spirited Away. Also Grave of the Fireflies impressed me a ton but I'm not watching it again. By the way, if you're totally caught up on your Ghibli stuff and would care to visit the 1970s, Takahata and Miyazaki worked together before starting that studio. Future Boy Conan is basically signature Ghibli, and maybe more importantly, they worked on the original Lupin III (the green jacket era) and were really important for the development of that franchise. I think Castle of Cagliostro is still widely considered to be the best Lupin movie.
  2. I played a few instruments when I was a band kid. Mostly clarinet and saxes Am serious musician
  3. Oh I'm sorry. But like... I need that email address for style points. As you're well aware, ideas are never original, so style is pretty important.
  4. Yes! This is one of the things that elevates the cosmere over older fantasy for me. It's clear that Brandon made efforts to be inclusive starting from Elantris and he improved at it in a more or less linear fashion. In particular, I'm glad I can recommend Stormlight Archive to disabled and trans people with a clean conscience. I'd give my left arm for a canon trans woman in the cosmere though -- a Returned for instance. All-time favorite WoB (Dawnshard):
  5. Recording for duty was a great pun that you could have played off as intentional! Also I'm behind on Star Wars, like seriously far behind, but I'm surprised by all the recent stuff being your favorites. Well and ESB, which isn't a surprise. I understand that Thrawn made it into one of the shows and I have been meaning to catch up though...
  6. I don't like it when he takes something that was already published and open to interpretation, and issues a definite opinion about it, because then I can no longer discuss it with other fans without them linking back to the WoB in question and treating it as canon, even though it definitionally is not. There's probably even a WoB that says that WoBs aren't canon, but they still carry more weight among fans than someone else's opinion. The general term for this in other fandoms is Word of God, and this page gets into why it might not always be a good idea. That's different altogether than other types of WoB like cheeseplate or "trans people are more likely to become knights radiant," or "Yo I really like Pern you guys. No I mean seriously." And I try not to read unpublished stuff or anything that might be a spoiler of something that isn't out yet, but I don't think many WoBs genuinely spoiled a future work.
  7. I'm not really sure what's going on, but this is deleted every time I mention it on reddit. I recently purchased ghostbloods.org and set up Misskey. If anyone would like to join, I am willing to invite a few people. I also have a mail server set up, so a [email protected] address is potentially on the table (unless your name is Thaidakar, sorry). I have to admit that I am a lot less enthusiastic about this after it has been deleted or ignored so many times, but I thought I should at least ask on the official forums. If anyone needs more details, I wrote a lengthy reddit post (again, deleted) that I can copy-paste into here. I just don't want to overwhelm anyone. edit: It's absolutely incredible to me that no one wants something like this. People seem to enjoy the WoT one but that's a larger fandom I guess. I'm closing registration.
  8. Oh this is a fun list. The original Transformers movie is the most high-effort casting I have ever heard of from any animation. Some of the Ghibli dubs come close I guess, but Orson Welles?? I saw Clue on DVD as a kid and really enjoyed the multiple endings bit. Am now a huge Agatha Christie fan. I don't actually remember much of the movie though.
  9. Hi! Welcome to the forum. We're so glad to have you here Your copy of Ars Arcanum should have had the very beginning of White Sands in it in prose form. This might mislead you into thinking there is a full published version of the entire story as text. There isn't. The official version is the graphic novel, which comes in three volumes. I experienced it as a GraphicAudio audiobook (I am not entirely sure how that works coming from a graphic novel) and it seemed to be perfectly acceptable. If you have any other questions, feel fr-- oh wait, this is my first post, isn't it?
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