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External Gills

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Everything posted by External Gills

  1. I studied soil as part of my bio bachelor, so warning: long rambling nerd stuff. The big difference between plant growth and rot, is that while growing is something plants do on their own, rotting is a complex process done by a large number of micro (and not-so-micro) organisms and physical proceses that break down plant matter in both mechanical and chemical ways. So if you wanted to rot plants using Progression you'd first need to have those organisms present, and then use Progression on them rather than the plant. At that point the question becomes: can you use Progression on fungi and bacteria? The answer will probably in part depend on if people perceive them as similar to plants because of Cognitive nonsense. Let's say that works, you're still not quite there yet. Another part of decomposition is creepy crawlies eating, digesting and pooping out plant matter. Progression can't help with that. And that's not mentioning the run-of-the-mill oxydization plant matter goes through just laying around, and other such abiotic factors (like how organic soil matter adheres to inorganic particles) So even if you could aquire the necessary micro organisms to break down plant matter, and Progression works on them, there are other, abiotic, processes at work in the creation of soil that it can't speed up. You still end up with a sort of plant slurry that will work well as a fertilizer, but it's not soil. Soil is complex, living and breathing, an ecosystem all by itself. It takes years to properly develop on its own and when destroyed its very difficult to restore.
  2. I've also run into this issue (trying to find if a particular Sanderson book has been translate into a particular language) and there is simply no convenient place that lists them all at the moment. I'd be up for helping to put something like this together. Btw, if you haven't found it yet, I searched amazon.de and the German title of Tress is "Weit über der smaragdgrünen See"
  3. Nice catch, seems it's a bit of both:
  4. Hi! Welcome to the shard, happy to have you! It took me 3 years to finish the cosmere, but I don't know how fast you read so I'll guess... a Hoid amount of months.
  5. Hello and welcome! I migrated when the blackout started, it's a nice place.
  6. Hello and welcome to our little corner of the internet!
  7. Hi welcome to the Shard! That is a sick piece of art, did you make it? I think I remember seeing it posted on reddit a few years ago.
  8. So this would probably be a waste of a question, but it's something I can't help but wonder about. We get a description of Highspren from Shallan's sketchbook: To me "unfamiliar" implies it's not Roshar's night sky that is visible through Highspren. Is it from a different place? Is it Roshar's sky from a different point in time? Is there a point in time and space in the cosmere you could stand and see that exact sky? And is the same sky visible through all Highspren, or do they each show a unique sky? Look, just met me probe examine a Highspren with a telescope. Multiple ones. For science.
  9. Hello and welcome! Who has been your favourite character so far?
  10. Hi, welcome! Which of Sandersons books have you read so far, and which was your favorite?
  11. I don't think in-universe mistcloaks used magnets. Mistborn didn't carry any metal on them because it could be detected and manipulated by other mistborn. I can't find any direct mentions of magnets in the Final Empire in Words of Brandon, but keep in mind that a compass has a magnetic needle, and those existed:
  12. Hi, I also came over from reddit, a week ago. Don't worry, it's a cool forum with nice people
  13. Soulcasting normally needs touch, but Elsecallers can do it at a distance. Maybe whatever method they use (resonance with the Surge of Transportation?) could be extended to Leechers.
  14. I have a similar theory that Cultivation is prepping the Nightwatcher to eventually take over Endowment, with her giving boons but always with a curse attached. If the Shard's Intent is to give, you can balance that out by making it also give a bad thing and people will self regulate in how much they are willing to receive.
  15. A while ago I wrote text descriptions of the interior art of the Stormlight Archive books for a blind cosmere fan.The descriptions have no spoilers beyond the chapter they appear at, so they can safely be used by a first time reader. I originally posted it on reddit, but with the sub gone private I'm putting it here as well. Feel free to use and share it however and wherever you want. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uvW7L1Ya2NDFMX3qzxdJQGheAKRTIZRS9utrFMZgA98
  16. Hi and welcome! Don't sell yourself short, you can definetly type better than any chull I know.
  17. They have resonances, but they are indeed less pronounced because they have multiple powers:
  18. 1) Dawnshards are huge amounts of Investiture. Warning, WoB about SP4 2) When Investiture takes solid form, it's always a metal. This is not unique to Shardic Investiture: 1+2 implies the existence of "Dawnshard metals" in the same way there are "God metals", right? Changium, etc.
  19. I'm 84% Truthwatcher and 83% Edgedancer. I've taken the quiz three times on different occasions and Edgedancer is always juuuust behind Truthwatcher by 1 or 2%.
  20. Ooooh fun question! Mistborn era 2:
  21. Hi, new user here! I'm up to date with the whole cosmere except for White Sand. I've mostly been active on reddit, but with the whole API nonsense going on there I want to move my interactions with the fandom elsewhere. I also want to help out with the coppermind because it is wonderful.
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