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Weaver of Lies

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Everything posted by Weaver of Lies

  1. I break time and space with a portable black hole, making the teleportation device irrelevant. I then sacrifice Jupiter, my trombone, to get the sandwich.
  2. Dang it, I grew another one! When your girlfriend’s dad dies.
  3. What do you mean? When I’ve become Tails from Sonic or something else?
  4. I use a tracker Connected to Thaidakar to find his location. I use f-steel to draw many Aon Daa.
  5. I ask to ally with @The Stick, so that we can hunt together. We can split the sandwich 30-70 in your favor.
  6. I communicate with Bookwyrm and ask him to pretty please send me the sandwich. Thanks Just a Fan, my chasmfiend means a lot to me.
  7. I had way too much fun with this AI. It’s really good, pointing to the Coppermind when an answer would be too long or there is more to be said.
  8. I use my chasmfiend whistle, and the chasmfiend (which is my pet) comes to me and drops the sandwich at my feet. Stick, you may have befriended it, but I have years and years of history with this thing.
  9. YKYASW When you start offering your brothers money to read the cosmere so that you have someone to talk to about it.
  10. May we never earn his ire, lest he not complete the cosmere.
  11. I read through TWoK in 5th grade because my brother (another huge Sanderson fan, can’t join the shard yet because he’s serving a mission) payed me to. I earned my 20 dollars, and started reading WoR. I didn’t like it (forgive me, I was young then), and stopped reading. I decided I would try Sanderson again, and read Mistborn about a year later. I loved the series, and tried Stormlight Archive again, loved it, and have since become a huge Sanderfan.
  12. That would work for me, I live in New Mexico.
  13. But how did you get to me? I cry out in pain, dropping the sandwich. Luckily, my pet chasmfiend comes from the ground, knocking you down. I grab the sandwich again.
  14. Happy birthday!

  15. I release a wave of power, obliterating the Caterpillar, and grab the sandwich. What is the caterpillar?
  16. When you do put it on, where would you like to see it performed, and works there be any chance of it coming to the southwest US?
  17. I disagree, but that’s my personal opinion. Without bias, I think either or storing all feeling or out storing the thing that lets you feel pain could be what happens.
  18. I think that the storing the ability to feel pain is less pain specific and more just storing the sense of touch. However, I think it would work almost the same way.
  19. I’m not Dakhor, so the Stick’s ploy doesn’t work. I am Elantrian though, and I use Aon Tia to travel to Being’s location which I figured out with compounded zinc. I then draw many, many Aon Daas.
  20. I have absolutely no idea about the last one, but here’s this. “Peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches, peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches”
  21. I finish my reading, and I scream out the ending of the series. The Stick is paralyzed because no one should ever do that. I steal the sandwich.
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