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Weaver of Lies

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Everything posted by Weaver of Lies

  1. You have sworn the oath of the Stick. You can no longer turn back. Also, because I have not yet. Stick is the reincarnated Adonalsiun. Stick is all powerful, so this is the only explanation. Now I too have sworn the oath of the Stick.
  2. That sharder also summons its champion, an immortal with a Raysium swords, futuristic guns, and burning Atium. It also commands another legion of shades and deepest ones.
  3. I hire Perry the Platypus to steal the sandwich from the platypus/NerdyAarakocra. Perry now becomes a fourth oath skybreaker as he finishes his crusade, giving me the sandwich.
  4. Is it morally correct to invite someone to use an addictive substance?
  5. I know. My older brother and I have both done it, and at one point one of my other brothers could have gotten over $100 if they had just read the Stormlight Archive! They didn’t though.
  6. I used to hide under the sheets in my bed with a flashlight and read, then pretend to be asleep when my parents came in, then read more after they left.
  7. What’s your favorite video game and what makes it so good. My favorite multiplayer game is MarioKart, it’s a fun challenge to beat others people to when I play with my team for Highschool E-sports. My favorite single player game is hollow knight for the challenge it provides and the interesting lore. Edit: my favorite single player game is now ToTK
  8. I ask stick if we should put the sandwich in a aluminum box for safekeeping.
  9. Stick and I watched Dr. Strange, and so we understand time manipulation. I use the eye of Agamotto to return the sandwich to us. I then caterpillar-proof the base.
  10. What should we watch? I chain hundreds of shades and deepest ones to the outside of our fortress.
  11. Lightweaver runs very far away, and enters the forests of hell. He also invites Stick to come over and watch a movie. Why the third person point of view?
  12. I break time and space with a portable black hole, making the teleportation device irrelevant. I then sacrifice Jupiter, my trombone, to get the sandwich.
  13. Dang it, I grew another one! When your girlfriend’s dad dies.
  14. What do you mean? When I’ve become Tails from Sonic or something else?
  15. I use a tracker Connected to Thaidakar to find his location. I use f-steel to draw many Aon Daa.
  16. I ask to ally with @The Stick, so that we can hunt together. We can split the sandwich 30-70 in your favor.
  17. I communicate with Bookwyrm and ask him to pretty please send me the sandwich. Thanks Just a Fan, my chasmfiend means a lot to me.
  18. I had way too much fun with this AI. It’s really good, pointing to the Coppermind when an answer would be too long or there is more to be said.
  19. I use my chasmfiend whistle, and the chasmfiend (which is my pet) comes to me and drops the sandwich at my feet. Stick, you may have befriended it, but I have years and years of history with this thing.
  20. YKYASW When you start offering your brothers money to read the cosmere so that you have someone to talk to about it.
  21. May we never earn his ire, lest he not complete the cosmere.
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