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Weaver of Lies

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Weaver of Lies last won the day on December 5 2023

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About Weaver of Lies

  • Birthday July 10

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    Brandon Sanderson books, writing books, video games, band, soccer.

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  1. @Wierdo @Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19 @Lunamor @Anguished_One @The Aspiring Archivist @RoyalBeeMage @Random Bystander @Lego Mistborn @Cash67

    Hopefully that's everyone.

    This isn't a "good bye" SU. It's more of me saying that I'm taking a step back from the shard, especially in regards to RP. I have very much enjoyed the RP I've done, but it's taking up my time and energy. I'm hoping that I can get back to doing the things I need and want to do by removing myself completely, or, at least almost completely, from RP. I know this inconveniences you, and I'm sorry for that, but it's something I feel needs to happen.

    @Lunamor and all others in Percy Jackson RP,

    I can either have Edgar gent sent back to camp because of his injuries or he can die. I don't really have a preference.

    @Anguished_One @The Aspiring Archivist, in regards to My Turn

    I'm not sure what to do here, sorry. I guess Freja could die trying to avenge her sister or something.

    @Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19

    I know I said I was going to participate in Hunger Games, but I'm going to have to take that back.


    I think I or the RP itself is already inactive for the other one's I am in.

    Sorry again for the inconvenience this causes any of you. If anyone ever wants to talk to me, my PMs are open and I enjoy talking to people.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      We could have her suggest it directly after their discussion with Ares, afraid he would get in danger again? Either doing timeline manipulation or you just mention me after the conversation is over and then go from there.

    3. Lunamor


      I’ll mention you after the conversation is over.

    4. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      Ok, thank you!

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