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Everything posted by LightRinger

  1. “Actually, I kind of like that second idea. It would be better if you had Iron though, you could Pull me towards you when you saw someone or if they attacked. Let’s stick together for now.” Jaksyn looks for any sign of a tribute in the distance, like wisps of Stormlight, or color distortion from a high Heightening. “Yeah, they’re not great. But I’m getting the sense they’re not gonna kill us. Maybe.” @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian
  2. Jaksyn does shake his hand, and tells him his name. “No, I can’t tie any knots.” He looks at the vines, and bites off a bit, chewing slowly. “I can’t tell if they’re edible. And we’re going hunting.” Jaksyn started heading in a direction that wasn’t the Casino. @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian
  3. “To answer your question, no, I don’t have reserves. Not iron at least. I have chromium, I guess.” Jaksyn looks at his metalmind. “Grab your things. You probably weren’t the only sleeping tribute. I wanna hear those cannons.”
  4. “Iron? You a Lurcher? I could use a Lurcher.” He lets go. “Jaksyn. Sorry about the wake up call, but I’m not risking anything. Get this straight, you side with me, I’ll have your back and we’ll kill everyone else. We’ll worry about who takes second place later.” He holds out a hand, whether to shake or to help Tondon up was up to him.
  5. Thanks! I’ll remember that.
  6. Jaksyn scrapes at his metal mind with his teeth. He can feel the metal inside him, and thinks it could be enough to wipe allomantic reserves, especially with how scarce metal is in the Games. He wakes Tondon up with a hand to the throat. “I’m a leecher, and you have 10 seconds to tell me why I should let you fight by my side instead of dying before I sap your reserves and choke you.” I know it’s a risk to wait to burn Chromium, but if he can help me, I don’t want to waste anything.
  7. Y’all are such losers. I’ve won the game.
  8. Jaksyn continued creeping towards Tondon.
  9. In that case, Tondon curls up it the vine nest for warmth and camouflage, and falls into a fitful sleep. Jaksyn sees Tondon fall asleep, and creeps towards him.
  10. None. I do have about five minutes of stored Fortune, but I can Compound.
  11. Could someone catch me up real quick? As far as I know, the verdant spores have been falling for like 5 mins. (For my character) Also, I’m totally willing to fight or team up if anyone wants to interact.
  12. Thank you guys so much for following up on this! I totally understand that it takes time, and I’m just excited it’s coming sometime soon. Thanks again!
  13. How does this work? I can just post anything here? Alright…

    Bluey episodes that made me cry


    Curry Quest

    Born Yesterday





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      THE SIGN?!




    3. LightRinger


      Alright, I loved the Sign, and Camping was *in Australian* sor goud, but I didn’t physically cry. Sleepytime… I don’t know if I’ve seen. Brb in 8 mins. 

    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      yesssssss watch it yessssssssssssssssss

  14. Jaksyn is quite shocked, but tries to climb the vine. He looks around, looking for other tributes.
  15. What are these? Jaksyn didn’t know, but he felt himself tapping Fortune.
  16. I just want to praise you for being the post that I was looking for about penguins and Hemalurgy. I didn’t think my search would yield any results, but you’ve made my day.
  17. Jaksyn looked around. It was pitch black, and he could hear the sound of heavy rain. His ankle hurt, he’d probably sprained it in the fall. All he could do now was store Fortune, and pray he wouldn’t tap it on accident.
  18. It’s been 8 months y’all. I know it’s been recording. Could you give me a timeline please? It’s a real need.
  19. Just a little more… Jaksyn compounded the 15 seconds of stored luck and burned it in a flash. Suddenly, the ground beneath him gave out, just as the storm hit.
  20. My Goodness. We’ve witnessed a god among men. I can tell you’ll do great things. Wanna be shardbuddies?
  21. I don't know who that would be... Who are you again?
  22. Jaksyn ran through the woods, when suddenly he started storing Fortune. Not a ton, but he noticed it draining a bit, and a few more branches whacked him in the face than normal. If I just got a bit more…
  23. Love the Ketek. Wanna be shardbuddies? Also It’s strange how I first viewed you at a level of a Mod, due to you GMing the Hunger Games RP.
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