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Exotic Almond

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Everything posted by Exotic Almond

  1. "Tal? Oops sorry, you have keys right? That's what Sunny was trying to do with me at first but, then we came here instead and then I went outside. Oh! I need to tell you how outside was! It was great! It was warm and green and comfy! Thanks for telling me about outside!"
  2. "Oh... that's sad. But you're happy now? Right? You're safe?" There seems to almost be a hopeful look in his eye, as if he's not just asking for Aventine.
  3. "Oh. Well, hi Tail! How has your room been!"
  4. "Oh. Who's Fiona then? Was it you? Or is it the new person with the hummer!"
  5. "Ok... Oh right! Hello sad basement guy! What was your name again? Tail? Tall? Oh! It was Fiona right?" @Edema Rue
  6. "Are you ok? Did you see something really scary? Did I mess up?"
  7. "Eh, only as real as you let it. They can follow you through but only if you think too much. Just enjoy the ride next time, it'll be better for your mental health."
  8. "Oh, right! Hey! Who's that new person! Is she nice! Hi!"
  9. "Why did we come down here again? I got distracted by the fun ride."
  10. "What do you mean? I got to see Bob. That was exciting. Does that... not happen to everyone normally?"
  11. "Whee! That was fun! Did everyone have a good trip?"
  12. "Ok!" Almond lifts his staff and a giant portal encompasses everyone and they all fall. In the darkness all around them are many horrors, terrors of the deep and monstrosities. Many eyes are seen a long the edges of the darkness, advancing. Everyone sees something slightly different, tuned to their individual fears. "Hi Bob!" Almond shouts at a horrific tentacle creature. Just as it seems it can't get any worse, they appear in the basement. @Ancient Elantrian @Edema Rue @Cash67
  13. "Ok, who else is coming? I need to know how many people."
  14. "That's fine, we're going to see the sad man in the basement anyway right?"
  15. "Ok, cool." Almond hops down and gets ready to go.
  16. "Oh, I never said my name. Now I'm being rude. Sorry, my name is Almond and I don't think you're as scary as you look." Almond stands up and makes a move to shake The Being's hand. "I also need a key still. Last time me and Sunny ended up in the basement. Can I come with you?"
  17. "Hmm, you're not being angry but, still rude. Maybe not so bad though." Almond turns toward Aventine "Is he nice? Maybe he doesn't know how to be nice. We could teach him!"
  18. "I mean... technically, but, it's rude to call other people entities. You need to treat them like people not subjects." Almond goes up onto the top of the love seat next to Aventines head.
  19. "Entity, that's what they called me. You can't have my stick!" Almond is practically crouched down as far as possible but ready to spring up if needed.
  20. "I... don't like you, you're scary..." Almond cowers behind the seat holding his staff close to his chest.
  21. "Hmm, I haven't heard much singing before. That chair does look comfy." Almond goes to sit in a nearby chair (probably if it's a lounge right?)
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