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Exotic Almond

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Everything posted by Exotic Almond

  1. I conducted in front of the band for the first time today. My goal of drum major grows ever closer.

  2. oof I have been checking the shard for 2 weeks now and haven't seen any notifications and when I reload the site I have apparently missed out on so much. That's annoying.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      SUs don't give notifications anymore.

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      dang this update is going to take some getting used to

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  3. Ok so last year I joined at the tail end of Ookla season and I can't for the life of me remember when it starts. I want to be able to participate this year though so can anyone tell me when it begins?

    1. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Bro I don't even know what that is lol

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      If I'm remembering correctly it's the time between Brandon's and his editor's birthdays.

      everyone changes their name to Ookla the (insert fun name here)

    3. Spark of Hope
  4. Hey friend. You finally made a shard account huh?
  5. Hello "Querith" I know you from somewhere. (heh)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      I'm more exotic. Because I have eyes.

    3. Querith


      I also have many eyes. Eyes are good

    4. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      That reminds me that I need to Update my profile pic.

  6. Hey all. For school I made some good news stories as pictures and am supposed to share one so…

    This is a link to the article if you want to read it.

    News Article.


  7. What if you've already figured out all the others and only need the last layer. Also @InfiniteInsanity I still lose whenever I see you
  8. I saw a previous post of mine and lost. Hey @The Bookwyrm I lost again.
  9. I have a friend. (shocking I know)

    We want to play MAG someday and she keeps saying she wants to spike her horse.

    Would this actually work because I feel like it shouldn't, at least with what I know about hemalurgy.

    Please help, maybe if an entire community convinces her she'll stop pestering me.

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I'd ask on the forums if Hemalurgy works on animals...

    2. Ravenclawjedi42


      I feel like it would work. But I don’t know.

  10. really @The Last Fæ Also @InfiniteInsanity stop reminding me of the game every time I see you. (As in I get reminded when I see you not that you remind me yourself)
  11. I finished Tress of the Emerald Sea a while ago and forgot to post about it so...

    I really liked it. It's probably my favorite Brandon one shot.

  12. 11:37 and just finished Rhythm of War. Whoo

    I'm too tired to stay awake now so good-night.

  13. When Qoorith arrives he sees a huge fire spewing out of the Plant 201 classroom. He immediately runs to find a teacher. He's running so fast he doesn't realize that Mr. Hence and (insert name of fire teacher here) are in front of him and crashes into them. "Help. Fire. Plant 201." He says gasping for breath before running back to see if he can use his fire control to slow it down.
  14. After a few minutes in the infirmary Qoorith walks out with nothing but a slight headache. He begins walking to his next class Plant 101 when he suddenly hears a BOOM at the end of the hallway. He rushes down to make sure no-one is hurt.
  15. Qoorith nods "Yeah. Thanks. I don't know what I would have done without you there to pick me up. Actually, yes I do. It would be just like all the other times." "Anyway" He says perking up "I've never met an earth specialist! What can you do?"
  16. "Qoorith..." "I have fire set powers but, I don't like using them. I prefer my plant side. Much safer than fire." "Why was an earth teacher in the fire safety assembly? I thought only students needed to go."
  17. Qoorith stands up on shaky feet. "Y-Yeah. I-I'm fine now." he stammers "but, maybe I should go to the infirmary just in case." Oh great, a panic attack on his first day. Now everyone's going to think he's a weirdo.
  18. Qoorith's already pale face goes paler. He summons a fireball his mind flashing back to the horrors of the year before. "No" he thinks "that won't happen here." His powers go wild the ball of fire suddenly stretching into the shape of a young boy crying on his knees. "NO!" his fireball suddenly fizzles out and he collapses clutching his head.
  19. Qoorith's face goes pale. What. Did. She. Say. Qoorith nervously walks up. To be called up in front of the class, and on the first day too! Well he might as well try to seem normal. "Hi I'm Qoorith." He says as he stands next to Pheonix "You're Pheonix right? I heard some other kids saying you were trouble and now this teacher too. What did you do?"
  20. Qoorith begins walking to the cave. He gets so nervous that he starts sweating. What if he got hurt? What if he hurt someone else? He doesn't want to go through that again. He would much rather forget his fire sets. Plants are much safer but, learning how to safely use fire sounds nice or at least make it so he doesn't accidentally do something again.
  21. I'll join (summer school is slowing down now). I got 1, 2, 9, 16, 31, 34, 43.
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