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Posts posted by PyroPhile

  1. Quote

    Name: Unpronounceable, so he just goes by Ghost

    Species: Wraith (more info below, please tell me if anything doesn’t work)

    Age: 21 (Wraiths mature at about the same speed as humans, but their max age varies wildly)

    Appearance: Vaguely humanoid shape but all black with no facial features other than pure white eyes (All wraiths look something like this)

    Various Personality Bits: Excitable about science things

    Skills/Magic/Such: A tinkerer, likes to create gadgets, can use Thoughtspeak (see other)

    Position: Average affluency, chosen as an emissary due to his scientific knowledge 

    Other: Imma dump some wraith info here: They require no food, instead being powered by electricity that they get from UV light. They also can’t talk, due to the lack of a mouth (please note that they can still hear); they communicate instead by sign language, translation pads, or (for the more magically inclined(I’m not sure if this is possible(please tell me if this isn’t possible))) by talking into the minds of people, what the wraiths call Thoughtspeak.

    Okay that’s all I can think of right now, please tell me if I should add anything or if anything doesn’t work


  2. 1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    but both Fadran and Ayia have killed literal gods in the past so idk if they should be joining in (I do have other characters tho)


    They can join. They would just require a sufficiently powerful adversary.


  3.  Ladies, gentlemen, and [REDACTED], welcome to the Battle Hub!


    Hello all! I just had an idea that I wanted to realize. 
    What if we took characters from prominent RPs, and had them fight, Smash Bros style? 
    This isn’t necessarily limited to existing characters, either. You can insert whoever you want.

    Also, this definitely won’t affect the RPs that the characters come from. These are just… clones or something.

    What do you think? Feel free to join!


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