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Kajsa last won the day on June 11

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About Kajsa

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  • Member Title
    when life gives you lemons, eat them whole :3 they're delicious
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  • Location
    Nowhere? Everywhere? The void? All the places in between?
  • Interests
    Drawing on paper
    Drawing on iPad
    Drawing on myself
    Pretending I'm British or Australian because they're the coolest people
    Sleeping At Last
    Making people happy
    Literally everything Hygge
    All the things
    Chocolate :))))
    Smiley faces
    Billie Freaking Eilish

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  1. Hi!

    It's been a while! I wish I was more active, but I have not the time nor the mental capacity to start or join a roleplay, especially considering the fact that I have only read one of Sanderson's books. One. *hides behind hair*

    Yeah, so that's another reason I've stayed out of the roleplay forums lately. I get very confused very easily--I need to be more cultured in Sanderson's work. *runs out of hair to hide behind and jumps in a hole*

    Anyway! Here's what's up:


    - I'm basically ditching PE to write this right now--even though I have full permission to not be doing PE, I still like calling it ditching because it makes me feel cool (don't ask) ;P 

    - Just hit week 19 with ankle issues--at this point, I'm wondering if I'll be stuck with it my whole life.......

    - We got two cats (ONE IS ALL MINE--MWAHAHAHAHAHA) for Christmas. Mine is named Oslo, and the family cat is Axel.

    - We had our first show choir competition on Friday, which we won by a landslide--about 68 points. We got best vocals, best choreography, best band, and grand champions! But then my director dragged us all to school early this morning to watch our show, and... *crawls a lot deeper into hole* ...it was a MESS. We're cutting stuff (which makes me incredibly sad), and we're simplifying a lot of it (for like the 4 billionth time) so it all looks cleaner. We have five songs and most of them are pretty complicated--our show is about eighteen minutes long. But all in all, it was really crazy to be at that level on January 5th. 

    - I have to read three books every six weeks for school, so this hexter I've got Stellarlune by Shannon Messenger, Faceless by Alyssa What'sherbucket, and Firefight by our favorite author, Brando Sando. 

    - I went shopping the other day (my favorite secondhand store was having a 90% off clearance day, so I HAD to go), and I got three new outfits, one of which I'm wearing now :D 

    - I haven't worked on my novel for a few weeks now, which is discouraging, and I also haven't drawn for a while, and all my other hobbies have kind of been pushed down the toilet with immense stress that I shouldn't even be feeling (I think I might have anxiety for undisclosed reasons).

    - OH! Alsooo, I just got called as the Young Women's secretary--which kinda scares me because I've never had a calling before, and because I already have so much on my plate. But we're gonna make it work!

    - I get to be the altos sectional leader for show choir B)B)B)

    - My mom got this cool piano the other day that has a microphone jack and as long as you're playing an accompaniment, the piano will literally harmonize with your voice?! It's super neat. (Though... with three little siblings and an older brother... it can get a lliiiitttttlllee crazy. And loud. Very loud. Hahaha.)

    - Fake eyelashes are one of the worst things ever created. They're a hassle, they itch, it's hard not to get the glue in your eyes, and at the end of the day, it's not even really worth it. We have to wear them for show choir and I'm not a fan.

    - Life is good though, you know? Even if you're unmotivated, even if you're exhausted, even if you're stuck with mysterious stress, even if your hobbies are all hiding in a hole and you don't have a shovel to dig them up... life is still good. You've always got friends and family who will support you, and if you don't? Look up and think of Him. He's always there! 


    Anyway, thanks for reading this! Have a good life, people ;) 


    KajsaDiyaQuesdilla --> out

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