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Kajsa last won the day on June 11

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About Kajsa

  • Birthday June 22

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  • Member Title
    when life gives you lemons, eat them whole :3 they're delicious
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    Nowhere? Everywhere? The void? All the places in between?
  • Interests
    Drawing on paper
    Drawing on iPad
    Drawing on myself
    Pretending I'm British or Australian because they're the coolest people
    Sleeping At Last
    Making people happy
    Literally everything Hygge
    All the things
    Chocolate :))))
    Smiley faces
    Billie Freaking Eilish

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  1. so i know i just posted but like

    i have another thing to share

    so basically i like taking writing inspiration from photos i get in my pinterest feed/emails

    and there was this one that worked perfectly for a moment Haly and i were planning for our characters anyway

    so i was like "yo we need a Xander/Nova moment like this" and she was like "YES OH MY GOSH" and they were already having a cute little indoor picnic anyway so it was perfect

    but yeah so here's the inspo:



    and here's the little blurb (i edited it a bit before posting just so it's more coherent haha since y'all don't know much, if anything, about Nova and Xander):


    Nova smiled across at him, a small blush tinting her cheeks as a wonderful idea swept over her. They were finally alone now, having a picnic on the floor in Xander’s room, and nothing was keeping them apart. No glass walls or bars, no lost memories (thank goodness Nova had those back), no tension between them--or at least nothing awkward. So why weren’t they together—really together?

    She took a sip of her own drink—fizzy, and bright. “Oh, this is good.”

    "Like soda good or good good?" he asked, skeptical.

    "Like good good. Do you want to try it?"

    He reached for the drink, but Nova pulled it out of his grasp and suddenly captured his lips in a nearly desperate caress. He’d had his picnic, after all, and she couldn’t wait another moment for her promised kiss.

    Surprised and slightly overwhelmed by her sudden hunger, he mumbled against her lips before giving in to the intoxicating sensation and kissing back with equal fervor.

    After a moment, he broke away. “I couldn’t taste it,” he told her, breathless.

    “Then maybe we should try again.” But instead, she set the drink down entirely, and their lips collided once more. It had been far too long since they had kissed like this, with no barriers--physical or emotional--between them.

    Nova could feel his walls finally crumble apart as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Her fingers roamed through his hair and back down to his neck again, along his spine, craving more of him. Everything was clear now. This was how it was supposed to be - just the two of them together, forever. They wouldn’t fight anymore, nor would they be separated; Nova would make hailing sure of that.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Experience


      Which image panda? :ph34r:

    3. Cash67


      TRUE which image?

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      on one hand, great writing, and the other hand what is that comic?!🤣

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