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The Aspiring Archivist

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Status Replies posted by The Aspiring Archivist

  1. What's going on with the Sharder minecraft server? I tried to join and it says that the server has "Insufficient Credits" and can't be started.

  2. What's going on with the Sharder minecraft server? I tried to join and it says that the server has "Insufficient Credits" and can't be started.

  3. Panda Life Update #3:

    Today has been pretty good so far, I might post another update tonight depending on if anything big happens.

    I spent four hours this morning singing literally every single song in the first act of Mean Girls the musical while sitting in a cold plastic chair. It was kinda fun though. 

    I have an RP I’ve been considering, you know how we are all hopeless romantics? What if we created a thread for it.

    Everyone can play between 1-3 characters of any gender. The race should stay human and the age somewhere between 18 and 28 so most characters can date each other. 
    The general plot could possibly be: The world ends in (x number of days) and everyone is trying to cross off everything from their bucket list, the one thing everyone in the group has in common is that they want to find love before the end of the world. So everyone would complete bucket list items together, find love, and create drama and chaos. You can model the character after yourself or partially after yourself if you’d like or you can make it the complete opposite of you.

    I think in the character sheet we should have like “Your characters top three bucket list things other than finding love” or something. 

    Let me know if anyone’s interested, I don’t know how much time I’ll have to participate but id try we could start it. Tag anyone you think would enjoy this.

    Anyways. Just thinking. 

    1. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      Well, I guess we should probably try to reach a consensus

    2. (See 53 other replies to this status update)

  4. Panda Life Update #3:

    Today has been pretty good so far, I might post another update tonight depending on if anything big happens.

    I spent four hours this morning singing literally every single song in the first act of Mean Girls the musical while sitting in a cold plastic chair. It was kinda fun though. 

    I have an RP I’ve been considering, you know how we are all hopeless romantics? What if we created a thread for it.

    Everyone can play between 1-3 characters of any gender. The race should stay human and the age somewhere between 18 and 28 so most characters can date each other. 
    The general plot could possibly be: The world ends in (x number of days) and everyone is trying to cross off everything from their bucket list, the one thing everyone in the group has in common is that they want to find love before the end of the world. So everyone would complete bucket list items together, find love, and create drama and chaos. You can model the character after yourself or partially after yourself if you’d like or you can make it the complete opposite of you.

    I think in the character sheet we should have like “Your characters top three bucket list things other than finding love” or something. 

    Let me know if anyone’s interested, I don’t know how much time I’ll have to participate but id try we could start it. Tag anyone you think would enjoy this.

    Anyways. Just thinking. 

  5. Panda Life Update #3:

    Today has been pretty good so far, I might post another update tonight depending on if anything big happens.

    I spent four hours this morning singing literally every single song in the first act of Mean Girls the musical while sitting in a cold plastic chair. It was kinda fun though. 

    I have an RP I’ve been considering, you know how we are all hopeless romantics? What if we created a thread for it.

    Everyone can play between 1-3 characters of any gender. The race should stay human and the age somewhere between 18 and 28 so most characters can date each other. 
    The general plot could possibly be: The world ends in (x number of days) and everyone is trying to cross off everything from their bucket list, the one thing everyone in the group has in common is that they want to find love before the end of the world. So everyone would complete bucket list items together, find love, and create drama and chaos. You can model the character after yourself or partially after yourself if you’d like or you can make it the complete opposite of you.

    I think in the character sheet we should have like “Your characters top three bucket list things other than finding love” or something. 

    Let me know if anyone’s interested, I don’t know how much time I’ll have to participate but id try we could start it. Tag anyone you think would enjoy this.

    Anyways. Just thinking. 

  6. Panda Life Update #3:

    Today has been pretty good so far, I might post another update tonight depending on if anything big happens.

    I spent four hours this morning singing literally every single song in the first act of Mean Girls the musical while sitting in a cold plastic chair. It was kinda fun though. 

    I have an RP I’ve been considering, you know how we are all hopeless romantics? What if we created a thread for it.

    Everyone can play between 1-3 characters of any gender. The race should stay human and the age somewhere between 18 and 28 so most characters can date each other. 
    The general plot could possibly be: The world ends in (x number of days) and everyone is trying to cross off everything from their bucket list, the one thing everyone in the group has in common is that they want to find love before the end of the world. So everyone would complete bucket list items together, find love, and create drama and chaos. You can model the character after yourself or partially after yourself if you’d like or you can make it the complete opposite of you.

    I think in the character sheet we should have like “Your characters top three bucket list things other than finding love” or something. 

    Let me know if anyone’s interested, I don’t know how much time I’ll have to participate but id try we could start it. Tag anyone you think would enjoy this.

    Anyways. Just thinking. 

    1. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      I can't say I'm a huge fan of the idea of doing historical research for an RP... But if everyone wants that I guess it's alright.

      I think a near future would be alright, because realistically there won't be too much new tech, and a lot of stuff will break down in the face of the end of the world anyway.

      "Bear figure," lol

    2. (See 53 other replies to this status update)

  7. Panda Life Update #3:

    Today has been pretty good so far, I might post another update tonight depending on if anything big happens.

    I spent four hours this morning singing literally every single song in the first act of Mean Girls the musical while sitting in a cold plastic chair. It was kinda fun though. 

    I have an RP I’ve been considering, you know how we are all hopeless romantics? What if we created a thread for it.

    Everyone can play between 1-3 characters of any gender. The race should stay human and the age somewhere between 18 and 28 so most characters can date each other. 
    The general plot could possibly be: The world ends in (x number of days) and everyone is trying to cross off everything from their bucket list, the one thing everyone in the group has in common is that they want to find love before the end of the world. So everyone would complete bucket list items together, find love, and create drama and chaos. You can model the character after yourself or partially after yourself if you’d like or you can make it the complete opposite of you.

    I think in the character sheet we should have like “Your characters top three bucket list things other than finding love” or something. 

    Let me know if anyone’s interested, I don’t know how much time I’ll have to participate but id try we could start it. Tag anyone you think would enjoy this.

    Anyways. Just thinking. 

    1. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      The disadvantage for the historical approach, I think, is that some people (like me *cough cough*) don't really know anything about the period. And I personally think having some sci fi or magic stuff could be fun.

    2. (See 53 other replies to this status update)

  8. Panda Life Update #3:

    Today has been pretty good so far, I might post another update tonight depending on if anything big happens.

    I spent four hours this morning singing literally every single song in the first act of Mean Girls the musical while sitting in a cold plastic chair. It was kinda fun though. 

    I have an RP I’ve been considering, you know how we are all hopeless romantics? What if we created a thread for it.

    Everyone can play between 1-3 characters of any gender. The race should stay human and the age somewhere between 18 and 28 so most characters can date each other. 
    The general plot could possibly be: The world ends in (x number of days) and everyone is trying to cross off everything from their bucket list, the one thing everyone in the group has in common is that they want to find love before the end of the world. So everyone would complete bucket list items together, find love, and create drama and chaos. You can model the character after yourself or partially after yourself if you’d like or you can make it the complete opposite of you.

    I think in the character sheet we should have like “Your characters top three bucket list things other than finding love” or something. 

    Let me know if anyone’s interested, I don’t know how much time I’ll have to participate but id try we could start it. Tag anyone you think would enjoy this.

    Anyways. Just thinking. 

    1. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      I was kind of considering doing that. Would also be funny if they were beautiful and charming :P

    2. (See 53 other replies to this status update)

  9. Panda Life Update #3:

    Today has been pretty good so far, I might post another update tonight depending on if anything big happens.

    I spent four hours this morning singing literally every single song in the first act of Mean Girls the musical while sitting in a cold plastic chair. It was kinda fun though. 

    I have an RP I’ve been considering, you know how we are all hopeless romantics? What if we created a thread for it.

    Everyone can play between 1-3 characters of any gender. The race should stay human and the age somewhere between 18 and 28 so most characters can date each other. 
    The general plot could possibly be: The world ends in (x number of days) and everyone is trying to cross off everything from their bucket list, the one thing everyone in the group has in common is that they want to find love before the end of the world. So everyone would complete bucket list items together, find love, and create drama and chaos. You can model the character after yourself or partially after yourself if you’d like or you can make it the complete opposite of you.

    I think in the character sheet we should have like “Your characters top three bucket list things other than finding love” or something. 

    Let me know if anyone’s interested, I don’t know how much time I’ll have to participate but id try we could start it. Tag anyone you think would enjoy this.

    Anyways. Just thinking. 

  10. Counting until somebody messes up Day #18

    High score: 71 (yay!)

    It's been a while


  11. Counting until somebody messes up Day #18

    High score: 71 (yay!)

    It's been a while


  12. Back when I was on the shard a year or so ago, I thought I didn't have a 1000th(ish) post thing. I was wrong! It's called being back. 

    I don't plan on doing much besides RPGs but, um, yeah. It's cool to be back. Hi again guys

  13. So, some news. Beginning on Sunday around 2pm PST, I will be off the Shard for about 4 weeks. As those of you who have seen my recent SUs may have gathered, my mental health situation isn't really improving. I'm fact, it's been worsening. This week, I was mostly unable to get to school, and I've overall been in a bad place, even sometimes in a dangerous one.

    For this reason, I'm going to go into a residential care facility. I've heard a lot of good things about it, and I hope it'll help me more than what I've been able to do at home. It does mean, unfortunately, that my internet access will be extremely limited to none. It should be just about four weeks, though extensions are possible depending on how the care goes. I'm a little nervous, and definitely not thrilled about being away from you all for so long, but it should be for the best.

    As for the RP situation, I have a plan for the Clinic, so that should be fine. I'm not really sure what to do with the few others, though I think the Threnodite Hunger Games are almost over (sorry,  @DefiantAllomancer).

    So... yeah. I'll miss you all, but hopefully see you in not too long. I'll still be on plenty for the rest of today, as well as tomorrow and Sunday morning.

  14. So, some news. Beginning on Sunday around 2pm PST, I will be off the Shard for about 4 weeks. As those of you who have seen my recent SUs may have gathered, my mental health situation isn't really improving. I'm fact, it's been worsening. This week, I was mostly unable to get to school, and I've overall been in a bad place, even sometimes in a dangerous one.

    For this reason, I'm going to go into a residential care facility. I've heard a lot of good things about it, and I hope it'll help me more than what I've been able to do at home. It does mean, unfortunately, that my internet access will be extremely limited to none. It should be just about four weeks, though extensions are possible depending on how the care goes. I'm a little nervous, and definitely not thrilled about being away from you all for so long, but it should be for the best.

    As for the RP situation, I have a plan for the Clinic, so that should be fine. I'm not really sure what to do with the few others, though I think the Threnodite Hunger Games are almost over (sorry,  @DefiantAllomancer).

    So... yeah. I'll miss you all, but hopefully see you in not too long. I'll still be on plenty for the rest of today, as well as tomorrow and Sunday morning.

  15. Is the S or the C in "scent" silent?

  16. To the theatre, regarding dreams:


    That’s a good place to start, right?



    I need you to know something.

    I don’t blame you.

    I don’t blame you for what you’ve given them.

    I don’t blame you for what you’ve never given me.

    I don’t blame you for any of it.

    I don’t…

    I don’t.

    Not for the tears,

    Or the dripping mascara,

    Or the shattering heart.

    Not for their love,

    Or for my lack thereof,

    Or for


    Broken dreams.

    I dreamed a dream

    Of days gone by…

    Oh, it was a beautiful dream.

    I dreamed of you.

    I dreamed of lights,



    Of props,



    I dreamed of family.

    Oh, how wonderful you made my dream. You…you are everything I’ve ever wanted. You are the only real magic I’ve ever been able to find. You are a team so close I’ve only ever imagined anything so perfect. You are in the moments when the cast huddled together for a selfie. 

    The moments when it’s okay to skip class,

    Because this family matters more.

    The moments before shows,

    And the moments after.

    All the moments.


    Offer something

    That’s stopped existing


    But within your walls.

    As they tear your hope apart…

    As they turn your dream to shame.

    Is my dream shame?

    Should I regret ever wanting you? 

    How can I? I don’t regret a moment of it. I don’t regret the longing, or the wishing, or the pain that comes with the failure. 

    Maybe they mock me.

    The ones you’ve let in.

    The ones whose dreams you’ve brought into reality.

    And it hurts…

    But I choose to hope


    But there are dreams that cannot be,

    And there are storms we cannot weather.

    Maybe this is one of them.

    Those cheers,

    The ones that aren’t for me…

    They never will be.

    That hug,

    The one I’m not in…

    That I never will be.

    I still dream of you.

    Every night. Every night, I can see the stars and I imagine how it would feel to be one of them. I can see them all together and you, you give me hope that someday I will be a part of that. How can I regret the hope you’ve given me?

    If you kill me,

    At least it will be a happy death.

    If this is where I end,

    At least my heart

    Is full of love for you.

    At least

    I’ve known

    How it could have been.

    And if I live on,

    Then thank you.

    Thank you for the dreams.

    Thank you

    For letting me





    I did it again…

    This one isn’t quite as eloquent as the last one, but I felt it, and so it has meaning to me, even if it’s just nonsense to everyone else :) 

    (I’m better now than I was when I wrote that. I was caught being sad so I went to the gym, and now it’s after midnight but I feel good).

    You’re all loved. There is a place for you all, even if you haven’t found it yet.



  17. welcome to:

    potential trauma instance number who-knows-i’ve-lost-track-at-this-point


    i swear if i lose or almost lose one more person im going to fall apart

    someone in my life i care about very much has a scary disease

    its not fatal. it’s been most likely taken care of.

    however that doesn’t stop my anxiety joining forces with my past trauma to put me on the verge of a complete mental breakdown.


    man. life be craaaazy.

  18. People: "What is your gender?"

    Me: "Yes."

    Them: "What are your pronouns?"

    Me: "Yes."

  19. Somebody scream at me to do math.

    1. I don’t understand it

    2. I hate geometry 


    4. I have a D in math right now

    5. IM DYING-

    6. I can’t focus

  20. Somebody scream at me to do math.

    1. I don’t understand it

    2. I hate geometry 


    4. I have a D in math right now

    5. IM DYING-

    6. I can’t focus

  21. Somebody scream at me to do math.

    1. I don’t understand it

    2. I hate geometry 


    4. I have a D in math right now

    5. IM DYING-

    6. I can’t focus

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