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shortcake last won the day on May 2

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About shortcake

  • Birthday 04/15/2007

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  • Member Title
    meep moop
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  • Location
    somewhere lost among my own thoughts
  • Interests
    writing (specifically slam poetry)
    Bee and PuppyCat (show)
    overthinking things
    Twenty One Pilots (band)
    Over The Garden Wall (show)
    Steven Universe (show[s])
    the Simon Snow trilogy (book series)
    Coraline (movie and book)
    Murder Drones (show)
    The Amazing Digital Circus (show)
    The Pink Panther (I like the movie more than the show, but I still love them both)
    tiny bowls and silverware (THEY'RE CUTE, OKAY??)
    remembering things
    queer/alt fashion
    looking at people in cars and pretending to know things about them (pls say m not the only one who does that)
    being silly
    fancy/big words
    Lovejoy (band)
    m u s i c (if I'm not wearing earbuds/listening to music, it's probably because I was forced /hj)

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  1. I have 88 notifications... do I want to check them right now? not really.

    am I going to let curiosity get the best of me at some point today and end up checking them anyway? it's very likely.

    in other news, @Dead's birthday is on the 17th, so i'm working on something to give to him (shush, I know he can see these, but he like, never checks them)

    also did you know that Monster has coffee?? I already knew, but I forgot it existed until Saturday when I saw them at the store.

    My main Spotify playlist is starting to get boring because it never plays as an actual shuffle, and I don't have smart shuffle on, it's just regular shuffle.

    My current song obsession is Twenty One Pilots' newest release, Backslide. I got my grandma to play it in the car on Friday when we went out to eat for my brother's birthday and I sang the entire thing.

    Speaking of which, my brother is 22 (I think. he might be 23) years old now! We went to Arby's on Friday for his birthday dinner even though his birthday is on Star Wars Day (epic)

    @InfiniteInsanity, @TheGreatSnail, and @The Bookwyrm are telling me that I drink too much caffeine, but I don't drink like, 3 cans every day. I'm not addicted. I can easily skip a day or so of drinking, I literally drink them because I like the flavor. I'm not being sarcastic, and I'm not denying or anything. If I'm addicted to anything, it's the flavor, not the caffeine bit. I promise. And I only drink like a can a day.
    I usually drink Mt. Dew, Monster, Kickstart, and Dr. Pepper. I promise i'll be okay y'all.

    anyway, hi guys! how are y'all?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shortcake


      I haven't had any caffeine today. All i've dranken- drinked? drunk? - the only liquid i've consumed today so far has been water and a tiny thing of strawberry banana V-8 juice for my meds.

      and when I had the three cans in my lunch box, I only drank one of those that day, Dead had the other Mt. Dew, and the Kickstart went in my fridge.

      Dead buys me Kickstarts in the mornings but I don't really ask unless it's during lunch but I still don't usually drink them because they get warm by the time I want them, so they just end up going in my fridge at home.

    3. InfiniteInsanity


      But when we asked that day you said first that one was for you, one was for Dead but he was only going to have sip and then you would have the rest (that makes two) and you wouldn't tell us for the longest time what the Kickstart was for. So for us that pretty much makes three in our minds. 

      And that wasn't the first or only time you've had more than one with you and most of the time you say they are all for you.

      You have plenty of energy without caffeine and so my point still stands. If you are addicted to the taste do it without the caffeine. Because overall that's better for you. You don't need a stimulant like caffeine. Your body is capable of surviving without them. 

      And I've been trying to convince Abby to also not drink caffeine. 

      I like the taste of some of those drinks too. So I use drink mixes in water and juices. 

      You can do what you want. You have your own agency. I just feel very strongly that caffeine is not the way to go if at all possible to avoid. And I'm comfortable around y'all to share that opinion. 

    4. shortcake


      That's fair. Dead did end up drinking the whole thing, by the way (@Dead back me up on this)

      And I respect your opinion. I'm not saying you're wrong, because you're not, and you make really good points with the flavor packets.

      I know y'all worry about me and Snail, and I'm gonna work on lowering or even getting rid of my caffeine intake. ❤

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