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  1. I actually also A little bit like bookworm have skipped a grade. I also came within the top 15 on the national history bowl on the same thread as the last few I almost always wear a button up and dress pants

  2. So this is less so hot takes but more so things that other people on the shard wouldnt have guessed about you. Preferably things that are rare, no i like pizza for example

    Please try to be sensitive of what you say

    I will go first

    Despite living in america I am a monarchist i dont believe in bloody revolution or anything but I feel like absolute monarchy is a legitimate option for rule that is often glazed over




  3. oh sorr

    38 minutes ago, Ta'veren Kaladin said:

    Not quite what happened. The Americans detected the sub and decided to ram it but at the last minute realized it might be loaded with explosives. They pulled up broadside and, because the Japanese are now aware of them, they throw whatever they have on hand, which is the potatoes, at the Japanese. With it being dark and the Japanese just having woke up to find themselves under attack, they panicked and the Americans were able to pull away and use their real weaponry to destroy the sub. 


    oh sorry. It was a whle since I learned about it. ill edit the post for accuracy

  4. The potato battle was this

    An american ship aimed to sink a japaneese sub by ramming it. At the last moment however, they realized that the Japanese sub might have explosives on board. The americans pulled up broadside and decided to through whatever they had. Now that the japanese were alerted to their presence, the american troops freak out and fire back with the only ammunition they had. Potoatoes from the nearby crates. As the night is totally black the Japanese assume these are live grenades being thrown at them and throw them overboard. The potatoes keep flying and the japanese retreat into the depths to escape the endles barrage of "grenades" the american ship loads a depth charge and sinks the sub.(there are vaying accounts on this so it could be innacurate)


    ALso paraguay declared war on both brazil and argentina at once. The paraguans got destroyed immediatley as they had almost no millitary. The war happened because the isolationist government made people think paragauy was way bigger than brazil(it wasnt)


  5. Post gallipoli during the great depression emus were attacking australian farms. There were hundreds upon hundreds of huge birds eating all of the crops on farms. Immagine geese but human sized. So in order to have an excuse to use heavy weaponry against them, australia declared war on the emus. This mostly entailed several gallipoli veterans strapping a machine gun to the back of a jeep and trying to shoot the emu. As machine guns need solid ground to operate this was a terrible idea and led to bulllets streaking everywhere. One of the soldiers compared emus to zulu "they dissapear up front and then it is all quiet until the little buggers attack you from the sides, like zulu" As this was during the great depression and australia could not afford to lose crops they put a bounty on killing emus and gave up on the war


    TLDR australia declared war on emus and lost

  6. 2 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

    this should be good, though he would be sent to the university at Keywood by a route through Center City. The school of Dragons is a bit harder to get into. I will make the necessary change and put it up. side note: there actually are other worlds, but I'll get into that later.

    Okay he convinced his brother that he had slept for 500 years and now there were office buildings and strange devices he called computers(nedwin does have quite the immagination at times)

  7. On 6/27/2022 at 9:09 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

    Yes, we needs don't talk like normal teenagers.

    Did you know that wombats poop cubes?

    Of course I know about wombat poop cubes

    Have you ever heard the tragic story of tarrare the hungry. No i dont suppose the schools would teach it to you.

    Also that one battle we won through potatos in ww2

    or the emu war

  8. 56 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

    I have absolutely no clue. You got weird stuff to happen with the spoiler boxes. try copying only the words, though it will take a while.

    That is what i did, I have no idea why spoiled boxes appeared


  9. Bio 

    Name: Nedwin Tanner

    Magic: He is exeptionally naturally skilled in fire and light elemental magic. however he is too lazy to have developed much beyond raw talent

    Background. Born into fire tribe. Was a member of a tanner's family. His father was exeptionally skilled and thus created a thriving buisness. Nedwin never could bother to help out and usually spent his money almost immediatley. Because of Nedwin's talent for elemental magic, Nedwin was sent to study at the school of dragons. Nedwin spent all of that money and then got robbed of what he had left on the road. He has been stuck in center city for several months

    Personality. spoiled and lazy but  good hearted deep down. H

    quirks: he enjoys fooling people. He once convinced his younger brother that there was another world through illusion magic.


  10. oh sorry I didnt realize this was still going. lets start a new one. First though I have done the 2nd page content by copy pasting. Is there any more efficient way to do this

    Also how do I fix the formating @EmulatonStromenkiin

    the army of blobfish rose from the depths of the ocean, murder upon their mind

    This was because pancakes.

    the pancakes were part Bavarian, so we can't blame them for what Wit did to Han Solo.

    Indeed, they had only done it because being eaten is rather unpleasant.

    ah yes, that was just before the large sandal had come and attacked them pancakes.

    Them pancakes were very rude. 

    So they hired a consultant. They all got eaten.

    The great guflforg patted his stomach, the accontaint had been flavorfull

    The guflforg fell, croaking in agony, as it realized that the accontaint had also been poisonous.

    And lo, the great beast was vanquished, by one who was naught but mortal.

    This summoned the Ghanderflaffles to take over.

    The ganderwaffles took over accounting for the company

    The company became the biggest law firm in the world, and its assets were worth over 500 million.

    But this was all a cover for the real business, that only a handful of people knew about. 

    the real business being selling black market bananas

    To grey market monkeys.

    the gray market monkeys had begun an empire of large trade importance in France, Spain and the Galapagos islands.

    The market often traded nonexistent goods leading to the modern term monkey money

    Monkey money was used for the most exotic goods.

    One day, a man named Pablo used his monkey money to buy a monkey who could print money.

    This Pablo was not the painter.

    This Pablo was not the painter.



  11. I have a few others I thought of. 

    The Night Gardener - light horror(not like terrifying but it gave me some nightmares)/ dark fantasy about a tree that gives.... at a price

    Sweep - oliver twist but with an ash golem

    moonfleet - this one is a really old adventure story but I loved It and so has my brother, not fantasy

    M.R James Ghost stories(I really like the metzotint)

    My brother sam is dead. - you will cry

    Watership down - awesome worldbuilding with rabbits

  12. 2 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

    I don't know. I think they go well together...

    but Hoid is...

    really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY old. We don't even know how old he is.

    And that makes me weird.*



    *(yes I know that doesn't make sense, but my family says "that makes me (weird)" instead of "that's (weird)")

    Fair point. Then again. You assume hoid hasnt taken enough head trauma to forget a few thousand years. For real though I feel like hoid is at a point where there is nobody who he doesnt have a big age difference with. Im not sure how age differences work out when we are working with thousands of years so maybe it is different.

  13. 2 hours ago, Chaos said:

    I think this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the lack of religious belief, one that religious people often repeat about atheism that is not true. Atheism is fundamentally about a lack of belief and faith, rather than anything affirmative. This is a very different dynamic. Atheism does not seek to explain anything. It is not a leap of faith like religion requires. Atheism simply rejects the idea that there are gods, period. No more, no less. Seems too far-fetched for us (it really is a truly huge claim, after all).

    I think this website puts it well:


    For another sort of example, would say if someone doesn't believe in ghosts that this is a "belief"? It's the lack of one. If you think the moon is not made of cheese, that isn't a belief system. That's just you saying, "No thanks, I'm good."

    Another comment that religious people say--which you did not say here, of course, but I wanted to add to this because this is another misconception of atheism--is that atheists "worship science" or "believe in science," which is also not true because science does not require religious devotion or belief. Scientific facts don't require my worship. It is simply taking data and testing hypotheses to match that data. The great thing is that science doesn't care what I think, what you think, or what anyone thinks. They are there completely independently of what you know or think. No one "believes" in general relativity. It is just an incontrovertible fact (with some asterisks where things break down). If I studied the subject, I could learn those details as well. I don't currently, but let me tell you, there are a ton of academics trying to show Einstein is wrong, and have been since its inception. If they made a better theory--that matched the predictions of GR and predicts more, and we can verify those new predictions as accurate--they get a Nobel prize and are remembered in science forever. I don't have to believe in it--I know it works, because your GPS depends on it. Same with evolution; you can certainly see if you look with an open mind that things have a common ancestor, and you need only look to this current pandemic to see viruses and bacteria being naturally selected right now, all the time. I'm not a biologist but there's no conspiracy going on here. This stuff has stood the test of time.

    One way to think about this is that religion and science go at things from a totally opposite direction. Religion starts with a premise and seeks to explain data based off this premise. Science lacks the preconceived notions and looks at the story the data says. This is the difference between seeing sea fossils on mountains and assuming it was the Flood versus a more complicated, but nonsupernatural explanation that spawned the entire science of geology, which has been pretty useful!

    I can tell you are definitely a religious person from the way you speak here. That is totally fine, of course. Certainly if you get fulfillment and happiness through religion, that's great!

    But here's the thing. Nonreligious people feel exactly as fulfilled and happy, all without any god or anything. I don't mean to speak for all nonreligious people, but I can say from my friend grup that god would not solve any problems we actually have. I don't have to make any sacrifices there at all! This is a false dichotomy.

    Why not believe? Well, firstly, you have to pick a god, which in itself seems completely insurmountable to me. There are lots of them and I could never be certain if I'm right or wrong--that's the leap of faith I'm talking about before, which atheists don't need to do. What if I'm wrong in picking my god of choice? See, if you simply look at scientific facts, I don't have to make any faith-based choices. And if there's some god/gods out there, I can say, "hey, at least I knew these things were certainy true, to the best of our abilities and I wasn't corrupted by all this other stuff."

    Secondly, I think it is very easy to argue that though religion can certainly create fulfillment and happiness for sure, people themselves have done horrendous things for religion and gods. Tremendous hate, judgment, and bloodshed throughout history. I think there are many, many reasons why people would want nothing to do with any religion for these reasons. There are a lot of reasons why people would think this is an extremely dangerous thing.

    I would strongly prefer to look at the world as it is without preconceived notions, look for the facts in data, and simply treat others with kindness and respect. That's all I need. Of course, the "treat others with kindness and respect" part is always challenging and is always a quest, but I don't need any god to help me with that. That isn't a necessary requirement.

    There is nothing wrong with believing there is a god though! I'd just personally say, "hmmm, that seems like the hugest assumption, seems a bit much to me." That's atheism in a nutshell.

    oh gosh, i didnt realize how preachy I came off there. I didnt really mean it that way if it seemed agressive. Allow me to clarify what I was saying.


    There either is a God or there is not. This is an easy true false statement. 

    What imperical information do we have on god being real? Essentialy none for either side.

    I was talking less about faith in the religious sense and more about faith as a conviction that, although you cannot prove something indesputibly. It is true.

    The world runs on this kind of faith, for example, "gravity always has existed and so tomorrow when I walk outside, I will not fly"(sad windrunner noises) We believe based off of what we have learned thus far that gravity will continue to function. Almost all decisions we make require some faith that the world will continue functioning. 

    When we come to religion however we are thrown into the deep end. We do not nessicarily have the repeated ability to test if god exists. We cant handle this like a toddler dropping things repeatedly to see if they still fall (I guess in terms of god that would be repeatedly dying?) As we are unable to gather information on this topic than it is no more likely that there is a god than that there isn't





    I am absolutley freaking out about having The Chaos actually respond to my post. I have listened to every episode of shardcast all in all that is longer than just listening to the cosmere as an audiobook

  14. I think one way to think of faith is this " why not". The feeling of fullfillment and happyness that it gives is alone worth the sacrifices. And if we are wrong? what then. If we cease to exist and humanity eventually ceaces to exist does anything we do really matter. Here is the other thing. Everybody has a faith. Being an aethiest requires faith that you are right. Otherwise you would not be an aethiest. Being agnostic requires a faith that you truly do not have the answer. At the end of the day we have no statistics or information that can tell us how likely there is to be a God. Thus assuming that there naturally isnt one is a fallacy. So if everybody has a faith then what differentiates a religious persons belief that there is a god from an aethiests belief that there is not?





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