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  1. "You will never take me alive" said joe, who had been found hiding in a hole underneath the library of congress. The hole had been filled with brandon books and he had drawn starnge sybols on the floor that he talked to and called cryptics. Several librarians reported having had pennies thrown at them by a guy wearing a tassled cloak who shouted something about the free kingdoms and hushland. He had been caught when he attempted to jump of a balcony, coviniced that the thing in the air that nobody could see would allow him to fly

  2. Go down moses but kelsier



    when the skaa were in nobilities hand

    Let my preople go 

    Opressed so hard they could not stand

    let my people go


    Go down Kelsier

    Way down the Kredik Shaw

    Kill old Rashek 

    And let my people do


    No more will skaa neath ashmounts toil

    Let my people go

    The noble's mansions we'll despail

    Let my people go


    Go down Kelsier

    Way down the Kredik Shaw

    Kill old Rashek 

    And let my people go


    go on a noble killing spree

    let my people go

    the survivor will set the skaa free

    let my people go


    Go down Kelsier

    Way down the Kredik Shaw

    Kill old Rashek 

    And let my people go


    Red scars up and down his arm rake

    let my people go

    Hathsins survivor would not break

    let my people go


    Go down Kelsier

    Way down to Kredik Shaw

    Kill old Rashek 

    And let my people go


    He embraced his death with open hands

    Let my people go

    His church it swept across the land

    Let my people go


    Go down Kelsier

    Way down the Kredik Shaw

    Kill old Rashek 

    And let my people go







  3. This is incedibly insulting. I do nothing but help you people and what do you do, call me a bad guy. Spanky says you all are liars. Anyways Kelsier isnt exactly a "good guy" and the shards that I activley work against are all evil shards. not wanting odium to have kaladin is still a good desire. Vin is super paranoid anyways. And sigzil ran away from mr not the other way around.

  4. "iimm oookkay"  the koloss slurs out, he tries to stumble out the door but hits the back of his head on the doorframe. as the koloss finaly departs he makes a vauge gesture at Damaren" gooood ddeaall , remmember" he slurs out again

  5. Im in.(my religious loyalties are fickle)


    Danishism, couldnt be me, or waffleism( which I was breifly a part of). Or pancakeism( which I created.) 

    Now that i think about it, joining a religion, instantly starting a rival religion, then joining a new rival relegion to your religion, then joining a religion that encompasses all of them is a very Hoid thing to do.

  6. try the lyrics out on the cosmere musical thread. It has all kinds of cool song cosmere remixes. Also my less good wondersail/wellerman remix

    10 hours ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

    I’ve been playing piano since I was... oh my god it’s been 6 years-

    Saxophone I’ve only been playing for 2 is years. 

    And I recently sang in a school musical. 

    I’ll be watching for that song-

    i kind of want to make a remix of A Million Dreams so it’s Elantris related. (Through the Dark, through the Dor...)


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