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Everything posted by solarcat

  1. Math is, for the most part, ontological when it comes to proofs and such. I found this article: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/philosophy-mathematics/#:~:text=If mathematics is regarded as,and the philosophy of biology.
  2. Woops, sorry about that, I will refrain from double posting. I believe necroposting is allowed though? I've seen people get in trouble on Minecraft fourm sites for posting on an old thread. Edit: I will combine my previous messages.
  3. I like all of them, though I think I am more fond of math/science. *Science is my fave and math coulllddd count as a branch of philosophy xD
  4. Another thing I'd like to mention is there is little scientific evidence that supports dramatically increasing your reading speed, by let's say 3x your original wpm score. In fact, your inner monologue helps with comprehension. As Elegy mentioned, most of the people here are hardcore Sanderson fans who are willing to read one of his SA books in a day. With that being said, enjoy the book! WoR was great
  5. Hello everyone, I have been trying to figure out what stage of development on the Demographic Transition Model Roshar would be assuming it is relative to real life. I know their world is so different than ours, but I'm curious to know what you guys think. I'm currently reading words of Radiance.
  6. I read it in 3 days, but it's because I'm on break and was on a trip, so I was in the car for hours. I'm probably going to read Words of Radiance soon. Either way, read at your own pace, as long as you are enjoying it. I just got pretty hooked.
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