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Lego Mistborn

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Everything posted by Lego Mistborn

  1. RoW is awesome. Welcome to the shard.
  2. Welcome. My advice, you just got to force them to read Mistborn all the way through. It is my opinion that it is the best book to start someone with.
  3. The flashbacks are all Kaladin POV fyi, and so you should be able to pick them out as not in the present.
  4. Granted but your own memory is dominated only by the bad things you've done. I wish for the ability to become anyone on the shard.
  5. Have your parents read it? If not, you could suggest they do, just be careful doing it. Maybe there should be an edited version so that those that don't want to deal with that stuff. In fact, I bet someone could go onto Brandon's website and take the online version, edit it, and share it. Might want permission first though.
  6. Yeah, I didn't really think that through, but it's too late now as I came up with that nice acronym, so...
  7. I read you were from Portland as you were from Poland and I got excited because I love learning about Poland, and the I reread your words. Still, welcome, it is a pleasure to meet you.
  8. Welcome, what Sanderson awareness do you have? Can you cater to the whole shard? Your bread looks very good.(and healthy) Only read below if you want to get dragged into the closest thing to a war I've been in.
  9. I always thought they weren't disengaged, but that the Seconds had basically locked them away and blocked their engagement.
  10. Where are my upvotes? Your boon is granted, but you can only speak in quotes(complete ones) from now on. I forgot to ask for a boon, I wish for the power to grant boons on my own.
  11. This was not something that I picked up on but a lot of people noticed, and I think Brandon said corrupted investiture was going to be something in multiple systems in the Cosmere, kind of like lightweaving.
  12. Well, the spren were in on it the first time so...
  13. What do you put in those cookies? I would like to destroy some evil today.
  14. Nope, I'm brand new(but not because of the secret projects, if that is what you were implying) TPBM is a friend of the CIA
  15. It appears Hallendren defeated the Idris invasion. I can't believe no-one else made that connection.
  16. Granted, but you can no longer touch water unless you wish to melt. I wish for upvotes. If that breaks any rules(I think it might), I wish for the ability to not have a bane.
  17. Surprising and almost disappointing lack of cookies. Supports the Ghostbloods. But... Nice quote and Szeth's Facepalm seems to be a nice person. 8.5/10
  18. He might be able to, as his torment hasn't progressed as far as Hoid's It could be that he died during the events of Stormlight 5-10, but I think if that happens, Brandon's running the risk of being accused of predictability. It could be the survival shard, which would mean the sunlight is it's way to train warriors to defend it(though it isn't working). Maybe I should write up a theory on this. Edit: I thought this part was funny, but enough people appear to have taken this seriously, so I'm disclaimering it. There, done.
  19. Will you make the same mistake as Sigzil? Or will you keep your spren?
  20. Yes, so long as you pledge $1, or whatever the minimum amount is in kickstarter for your currency of choice, you will gain access to the backerkit. I'm choosing to order the ebooks, and if I can afford to upgrade, I'll purchase the physical copies in backerkit.
  21. Thanks to the ADMINS who have given us notice of how best to go about doing things. I've updated the original post with more information so people who choose not to read the discussion will see it.
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