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Andrew the Great

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Everything posted by Andrew the Great

  1. *vigorously crosses out Emeralis's period and makes it a comma* Eerognal disintegrated again, Quick, while he's not here! I need backup!
  2. Hey, you knew what we meant. I just copied that guy. ^^^^ (Yes, Squallor, I'm pointing at you) Way to go me! Blaming other people is fun!
  3. great powers of You know, Silus, for bringing yourself back into this story, you're sure not setting yourself up very well. Encircled? Immediately?
  4. Got it. Though I don't know that they ever mention that that's "impossible." Just that it's really really hard. Point taken, though.
  5. Hm... that might explain my problems too. Though I'm not sure why that would come up with "BYU has blocked this page" as opposed to "page not found."
  6. Chaos, using his Happy? We might not be able to kill Eerongal, but we can give him horrible, gruesome injuries. I would be ok with that. I'm not going to post anything about him until I know for a fact that there's someone else online who can do a quick back and forth to cause some serious damage (with the stipulation that it can't be healed) before he's able to post. Seriously, his lurking powers are unmatched. He caught the last chance to kill him off for good in 4 minutes. It would be a plus if said person were on at 1 in the morning or so, when Eerongal is less likely to be on. Also, I find it hysterical that we go from killing me to talking about spaghetti, then rapidly back to killing Eerongal.
  7. We presume the Skaze are related to Skai, one of the Shards on Sel that Odium killed. That's really all we have on them. Not sure on ClayShan. Been at least three years since I read Elantris.
  8. continue to flourish. I like tense shifts. They're all kinds of fun. Also, wow. That was a shift in tone.
  9. the parmesan was This forum seems to have an unusually high concentration of undead.
  10. Out of curiosity, is anyone planning on re-reading any of Brandon's earlier stuff anytime soon? Lists of Rules for magic systems that Brandon mentions (but only ones that don't turn out to be made up by the characters, like the "you can't push metals that pierce someone's skin" rule in mistborn) would be extremely useful here, but I don't have any of Brandon's books with me except Way of Kings.
  11. Oh, I could totally see Dalinar's Radiant powers being slightly different in terms of usage. I just think they'll follow the same general rules.
  12. sick and die. I will have my revenge. Also, zas, Eerongal did take? Not Eerongal took? Been reading WoT recently, have we? Perhaps roleplaying as an Illianer?
  13. MUST NOT GO TO DRAGONMOUNT!!!! Seriously, there are so many spoilers floating around over there. I've been so close to reading the "Full book discussion" thread so many times it's ridiculous. I think even going over to the site at this point will be too much for my already too-fragile nerves. I am a sucker for spoilers, but in this case, I genuinely want to avoid them. Maybe I'll just cut all my ethernet cables and not buy new ones until the 2nd. But then I'd just get online while on campus.....urg.
  14. Andrew's sheer awesomeness. Geez, look what happens when I'm gone for two days. In my defense, I did remarkably well saving myself for a while. And if I'm going to die a horrible, painful death as a cripple with huge, gaping, infected, festering wounds and adamantium spikes, I might as well get to destroy all of the shards. Also, can I be a hemalurgist? Please? Oh, Pretty Please?
  15. Right. But I saw the stormlight more as a power source than a source of control. But now that you mention it, I suppose you could argue that it is the control mechanism. Particularly for Windrunning. Interestingly enough, Soulcasting is more about the gem type than about the Stormlight. In fact, this makes more sense, assuming that the Stormlight acts like the metals in mistborn. It provides a conduit to the Shard's power for magic use, and also controls the use of that same power.
  16. ...Which happens to not be impossible, as evidenced by the fact that they're hunting chasmfiends in the first place..... I'm with happyman on this one. All of the magic systems we've seen make me think of mistborn. The only one that's really got me stumped is Soulcasting. I can't figure out how it relates to any of Brandon's previous magic systems. I agree that there have to be ways to power Radiant abilities without using the gems in the Shardplate (or alternately, the Radiant powering the Shardplate as opposed to the gems). I just don't think it likely that a new magic system user would be able to do so, since everything we've seen so far indicates that they just grab stormlight from wherever it's available.
  17. No. That's a pretty large generalization. All we know is that Hoid can use it (though we assume he uses it for planet hopping) and the Soulcasters (the people, not the fabrials) can go there and may possibly use it to Soulcast. And we know pretty much nothing about how the Shards do things yet. In fact, from what we've seen so far, the Shards themselves are the source of most magic. Or at least are the means of providing access to it. Almost nothing is known of the actual Unifying Theory of Magic. I'm assuming that the best way to find out information about it would be to compare magic systems until we can find general trends. Since Brandon mentioned that they all do follow said trends. For example: -In my mind, Steelpushing and Ironpulling = a specific form of the same type of magic as Windrunning, using metal as an anchor. There are other examples of this, but this was the easiest example I could think of. -As Munin mentioned, all magic initially resides with people. -Some sort of control mechanism to determine what you're doing with the magic - In Elantris, it's the Aons, in Mistborn, the metals, in Warbreaker, the Commands. Not really sure how Roshar fits in here..... -(Currently, though this might change) All Shard-Powered That's all I've got at the moment. Though I definitely think that there's more there.
  18. No, as far as we can tell the Elantrians who were Elantrians when the Reod hit became half-formed quasi-lepers, just like everybody else who transformed afterwords. Case in point is the Hoed who led Raoden to the pool, as well as several references to Elantrians being killed after the change came. I'm not certain this answers all the questions. My assumption is that Raoden isn't completely right, and that the Dor is needed to maintain the transformation even after it has finished. That.... actually makes sense. Most excellent. It was actually kind of bothering my that there weren't Elantrians from before the Reod.
  19. More than ten. Or sixteen, for that matter. I think. Though I don't have my copy of Elantris with me. Gr.
  20. I haven't gotten any to go through yet. There's got to be at least one that'll work, though. I'll get it eventually.
  21. Miraculously, Andrew recovered. And I now have the ability to heal myself. Awesome. Also, it's pretty awesome that I've now prevented myself from being either killed or in severe discomfort 3 times. Win. Now to get the topic off of me......
  22. But if I recall correctly, the ones who had already transformed gradually decayed and died. That's what Zas was referring to. (It's hard to be stuck halfway through your transformation if you're already fully transformed - However, they can die, and did, as evidenced by the fact that there weren't a whole bunch of shiny people walking around throughout Elantris)
  23. Sad day. It seems BYU blocks it. Curse my never being off campus for any length of time!
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