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Image Comments posted by Argent

  1. Nice, nice! Clever idea, excellent execution. I would love some glam shots, sitting on a windowsill (Shallan half facing the camera) with a sketchpad, and then the same windowsill, this time Veil facing us, playing with a knife or something. You can do a lot of fun things with this, and I love it :D

  2. 2 hours ago, IsasikShulin said:

    What a beautiful glyph! Nicely done!

    @Argent We'll have to see on the RAFO cards. :) It would have to be RAFO cards specific to the Stormlight Archive; right now we create them so they can be handed out for any series Brandon writes, in and outside of the Cosmere.

    Mm, good call. Time to turn those into collectables :)

  3. 2 hours ago, dnavenom said:

    Not the basement proposition again! This one came faster btw, took me 4 days to finish it. That`s a personal record :) Btw just for the more observant of us, I`ve placed 2 pattern spren in it, so you can look closer and try to find them :)

    That's just an excuse to make me zoom in on the pretty lady, and you know it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Antti said:

    I don't know what a 'Discord' is, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask. It might take a week or two to get the next one done, but I hope to have it here as soon as possible :)

    Discord (https://discordapp.com/) is a chat app, usually tailored for gamers, but recently all sorts of communities are setting up their own servers. If you are familiar with applications like IRC or Slack, it is similar to them. I am very fond of it because you can run it from your browser pretty well - or get a dedicated client for whatever platform you have. The 17th Shard has a server where we hang out and talk, you can find a link on the homepage if you are interested.

    As for your next piece, I assure you we all hope to have it here as soon as possible too! :)

    P.S. You can quote & reply to multiple posts by using the MultiQuote button on the bottom left of each post, it looks like a plus. You select all the posts you want to quote by hitting the button, then smash that Quote button to the bottom right of your screen.

  5. 3 hours ago, Ammanas said:

    Perhaps in this depiction it looks like she is wearing heavier eye makeup than other fan art. Also combined with the shadows and darker colors it gives her a almost "gothic" appearance. This image also emphasizes her breasts (which I haven't seen with the others).

    Yeah, it's probably the highlighted femininity. Still a fantastic piece though!

  6. Oh, these are yours?! We've been talking about them today in the Discord server (and in the past, when the Dalinar & Navani piece became available, and then when the Kaladin one did), and the reaction overall has been along the lines of "this is amazing!" You should join us there, get some praise in real time :)

    This is also definitely one of my favorite Shallans. Something about her feels off relative to most of the other fanart of her I've seen, but I can't quite put my finger on it (is it the pose? the confidence? her age? her face? the fact that she is an absolute babe? I don't know...), and I still absolutely love the piece.With your recent Kaladin I am very eager to see what you choose to draw next!

  7. 4 hours ago, dnavenom said:

    Argent: I`m hidden in the deep province, you`ll never find me anyway! But I`m glad Kaladin solved the problem :) Don`t make me draw Dalinar without armor please! 

    Yeah, well, I ran all the way to the US, so it's probably not worth the effort anyway. You should join the site's Discord and chat with @Botanica, she does a lot of book research for her art, might help track down tiny details about whatever it is you want to do next. Which we all hope would come soon :)

  8. 6 minutes ago, CaptainRyan said:

    Ahhh yes. I always forget about this little known bit of legalese. Law is so tricky sometimes! Like, as a random example, it is ok to set-up and abandon an ally on the battlefield but it not ok to stab them in the eye in a hallway. Who can keep track of all of this?!

    Vorin legal scholars are the real MVPs.

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