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Image Comments posted by Argent

  1. Just now, FeatherWriter (Alyx) said:

    Listen, I'm not gonna say that sometimes I just do a forum-wide search for the word "Renarin" to see what the new content is...



    ...but I'm also not not saying that either.

    No, it's okay, I get it . I search for "Argent" in case people are talking smack about me or not pinging me when they should. It's about the things we love :D

  2. 4 minutes ago, FeatherWriter (Alyx) said:

    Okay I just found this whole album and it's truly incredible. What an amazing job you've done capturing them all! Such perfect art! (I had to comment on Renarin's of course, because he's my fave!) 

    Renarin's name is like a summoning invocation for you... :)

  3. On 8/27/2016 at 3:55 AM, Spoolofwhool said:

    So I guess I'm dumb, but how you you write 35? The symbol for three over the symbol for five?

    It would be 5 over 3. You always start at the bottom, and you always start with the highest order of magnitude available. Think powers of 10: 30 is 3x10^1 (30) + 5x10^0 (5). So you write 30 on the bottom, 5 on top.

    This being said, I don't see how the 1173 example would be correct.  The vertical line on the bottom is 1000 (which is fine), but the two red ones immediately above it would be 900, I think, not 100 (as suggested). The green and blue above that correctly correspond to 7 and 3, so it's the red I don't understand. Maybe @Harakeke can help us out.

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