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Szeth_Pancakes last won the day on December 16 2022

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About Szeth_Pancakes

  • Birthday April 16

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    Don't you want to get out of Cape Cod tonight?
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    Spaceship Urithiru
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    Reading, playing the flute, and worldbuilding.

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  1. In the realm where worlds converged, a rift in the Cosmere had unexpectedly linked with the land of Hyrule. The Hero of Winds, Link, found himself in a foreign landscape, filled with strange magic and unfathomable powers. As he explored the new world, he encountered a figure clad in Shardplate and wielding a Shardblade—Kaladin Stormblessed, a Knight Radiant from Roshar.

    Kaladin, burdened with his own duty to protect, sensed Link's confusion and took him under his wing. Link's courage and unwavering determination reminded Kaladin of the ideals he held dear. Together, they embarked on a perilous quest, fusing their skills to vanquish evil.

    Link's Master Sword clashed against foes from the Cosmere, its sacred blade humming with divine energy. Meanwhile, Kaladin's Surgebinding abilities soared through the skies, manipulating the very Stormlight that fueled his powers.

    Throughout their journey, the two heroes formed a deep bond, exchanging tales of their homelands and teaching one another the ways of their respective worlds. Link's Triforce resonated with the ideals of the Knights Radiant, reinforcing their purpose and granting them strength beyond measure.

    As they stood side by side in the final battle, facing an ancient and malevolent force, the power of the Triforce merged with the Stormlight. Link's sword shimmered with newfound radiance as Kaladin's Shardblade blazed with azure flames. Together, they unleashed a cataclysmic surge of energy, restoring balance and harmony to both realms.

    In the end, as the rift between worlds closed, Link and Kaladin bid each other farewell, knowing that their paths might never cross again. But the memory of their shared adventure, their bond as warriors of light, would forever echo through the annals of Hyrule and the Cosmere alike.

    - Chat GPT

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Dude. That’s amazing

    3. Morningtide
    4. danex


      i wanna point out that its the Hero of Winds specifically, not just any Link.

      so for that entire adventure, Kaladin was fighting alongside this goofy lil dude




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