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Everything posted by Liahona

  1. Welcome to the Shard, S.M.Stillwell! Congrats on working on your writing - I enjoy writing, but for some reason I hate the physical action of doing it, so good job on putting in the hours.
  2. Oof, I'm sorry about those breaks. I would probably choose Surgebinding, specifically the Edgedancer powers.
  3. Welcome! If you could use any magic system in the Cosmere, which one would you use?
  4. Welcome to the Shard, Zak-son-Cultivation! Who is your favorite character so far?
  5. Welcome, Palantir Watcher! Good luck with RoW, it's a ton of fun
  6. As far as I know, Dawnshard isn't out as a physical book except for as a reward for one of the kickstarters? (I don't know much about this, correct me if I'm wrong.) On Amazon, it's $7.99 for a Kindle edition.
  7. Heh, no. In one of the live streams, someone mentioned that if people on Roshar had Boy Scouts, they wouldn't call the one "level" Eagle Scouts as they call all birds chickens - thus the chicken scouts. I saw one comment that explained it very well; let me see if I can find it. Edit: found it, here it is.
  8. Is your PFP from the Tales of Arcadia? If so, 10/10 show taste

  9. Welcome to the Shard! Yeah, the forum can be very helpful with explaining things - it's the only reason I know what Chicken Scouts are XD
  10. Hello, Ladrian! (I love your username, by the way.)
  11. Welcome to the Shard, KookieC! I'm praying that you recover soon. I hope that your work simultation helps! Who is your favorite character so far, and if you could be any order of Radiant, which would you be?
  12. When you see that the official wiki is called the Coppermind and you have to remind youself that (Mistborn era 1 spoiler) Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
  13. Welcome to the Shard, arwenevenstar! I can't wait to contribute to dialogue with you.
  14. Good point. Now all we have to do is pull a Hoid and (Stormlight/Misborn spoilers?)
  15. Welcome to the Shard, Ethansmith! It's good to have you. Kelsier and Wit are both awesome, I agree. Out of the different Misting/Radiant options, which one would you want to be?
  16. I just backread this chat, and here are the fifth ideals for Kaladin I've seen that I think make the most sense. (I've credited them to the first person I saw saying that one, but there are multiple cases of someone else saying it later.) - "I will save someone I know I can even if that means leaving someone I don't know I can save" -Harrycrapper | This plays into it mirroring Lirin's experience with Roshone and his son, which I think makes sense, with Brandon's foreshadowing and all. - "I will allow myself to be protected" -Rushu42 / "I will protect myself" -Leuthie | These two do differ a little bit, but they're mostly the same. The first one seems to be letting others protect Kaladin so that he doesn't have to everything. He can rely on others. The second one is more about him taking care of himself and being willing to step back when he needs it. - "I recognize/accept when I should not protect" (allowing people to put themselves in danger, respecting their decisions) -Kingsdaughter613 | This is one that I like a lot. It's letting others make their own choices about what to do and what risks to take. It seems to call back to Tien's death (if I remember correctly) and Maya's "WE CHOSE.", even if that doesn't necessarily connect to Kaladin. - "I will not cause harm/kill to protect others" -tipbruley | I don't think this would extend to them being total pasificsts, as like a few people pointed out (or was it just one person?) the Windrunners are primarily soldiers, but there are of course exceptions. I think, instead, it would be Kaladin moving away from fighting being is primary way of protection, as we see with him being a surgeon for the first part of RoW and inventing therapy for Roshar. I'm not as sure about this one, and I think if it is it the wording would be different, but it seems a viable option. I've liked all of the options people have presented and I think there are a lot of good arguments backing them up. This fandom is obviously pretty smart. (P.S. Should I ping the people who presented the specific ideal idea, or leave it as it is?)
  17. Greetings, Caramel! Welcome to the Shard. I hope you can get have the oppurtunity to read more of Sanderson's works soon!
  18. Perhaps the axehounds were on Roshar when the humans came over from Ashyn, and someone named them then? (Perhaps you were already trying to say that, I'm half asleep so don't worry about it)
  19. Hero of Ages spoiler:
  20. This is being stolen, I am saying it to every stranger I meet from now on.
  21. I would have to say a horse or something that could fly. I want that freedom of being able to move so well
  22. I would pick the magic of being able to move in and out of any story at will.
  23. This stream looks like it's been dead for a couple years, but I plowed through the "Entertainment Discussion" section just to find it, so. I mainly enjoy webcomics that are more graphic-novel type than comic type, so here are a few of my top ones. 1. The Silver Eye by Laura Hollingsworth (updates Fridays) 2. Space Boy by Steven McCranie (updates Thursdays) 3. The Legend of Ruach by Paige Coffer (updates weekends, usually Sundays) 4. Trainer Wants to Fight by T.K. Arispe (completed, riffing on in-game dialogue in Pokemon) I'll come and edit these with descriptions later.
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