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Everything posted by Quivil

  1. Ummm Brass stores actual warmth, while Tin just stores how much you feel temperature. Effects are still there (frostbite, sunstroke, burning, etc.) Tin doesn't actually change what temperature you feel.
  2. so are we going to talk about F-Duralumin? Question: Can you use Connection to Connect yourself to people so they can understand you, or do you just Connect to the land? And is the "language" that's connected to Roshar's land the languages the people speak, or is it the rhythms? And when you Connect yourself to the land, does it change your writing language too?
  3. That's an imposter, not a rock! It's also a poem about a rock. It's also Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor (Hey look at that! I spelled that right way sooner than I spelled Gneorndin right. The first time I typed Gneorndin I literally looked at the book for the spelling while I was typing it.)
  4. My 3rd sister likes the first one but not any of the others. She says they're like a series of explosions and the people get together and say "we should really do something about this" "what would we do tho" "idk" and then they end up doing something completely different that maybe helps solve one of the three explosions that happened that book. I summarized it as "one step forward, three steps back." The conversation was fun. About the socially awkward part: I have a hard time talking to people who don't talk to me first and have never talked to me before - unless I'm closely related to them. Like if I know someone's my cousin but haven't ever talked to them before I can talk to them. Kind of. Maybe. It's easiest for me to talk to people I've talked to before.
  5. Please tell me ALL your stories and I will pick holes in them (maybe) so they can be more awesomer. I like reading stories.
  6. I used to be homeschooled but was kicked out of homeschooling and into middle school.
  7. Greetings from the Chaos Demon! I'm a Dustbringer. I like their ideals (also Division and Abrasion are super awesome!!!!!)
  8. So what do I do if I like chocolate and eggnog both?
  9. Hi. I've been proclaimed a chaos demon (SE LG75) so I came to join your chaoticness.
  10. [1]You forgot Sadeas. [2] I didnt want to vote LG74 D1 either. LG74 I was vil, didnt want to vote. MR49 I didnt object D1, was elim. LG75 I don't want to vote D1. I feel like voting D1 helps the elims more than the villagers. But if you really want me to vote someone I could vote for you.
  11. My favorite cheese is brie. Haven't had it much (only like twice), but I still love it. After that comes gouda, then sharp cheddar, all the other cheddars, colby jack, mozzarella. I've never liked swiss tho... And blue cheese is not good. Worse than swiss.
  12. I say no vote. Someone said (not in this game) that we kill someone D1 and then ignore any info we get from it. Therefore D1 kill is useless and just helps the Elims get rid of another Villager. I have played in Mafia games where we never misexed because we didn't daykill unless we knew the person we were killing was Mafia. Most Mafia games I play are like that, actually. If we didn't daykill except when we were sure, it would take the elims much longer for them to win. Not exeing as much as we do currently might tip the balance of the game just enough for us to win for once. If I'm NKd please look back at this post and don't ignore it. Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I've said nothing.
  13. ummm this could easily turn into an ikyk game if Dalinar claimed HP and said how many HPs there were... but it probly won't bc Dalinar's likely to not come forward bc of the likelyhood of being exed. I mean, we're gonna kill one of the peeps who disagree about HP number... so yeah. I think this works. This works really nicely. We should totally do it!
  14. Araris fake-claimed Ruthar before the game began. His player name is Ruthar. Other than that I don't see anything you could be pointing to... if I'm wrong please enlighten me. Edit: Obviously I need to read all the new stuff before I do anything. I'm sorry. Comment: If we want PMs, we could ask for them in-thread... like this: Hey Spanreed Operater, please may I have a PM too?
  15. This story is so awesome!!!!! As for how to make Carom matter... maybe something to do with Obligations? Like he starts learning what the book means and acting on it? maybe something to do with the civil war? or the Everstorms? speaking of the Everstorms, in canon lots of radiants started getting 3rd oath only after the everstorm and the fused. if the innthief was there before edgedancer he would probably get Nale-d. Because of this timeframe, you could easily get by with only mentioning the Everstorm in the same way Highstorms are mentioned if you also occasionally remarked on damage expenses or broken buildings/remains of damages from the Everstorms.
  16. "She handled that kind of thing; he was hopeless with finance, and could actually read the paper." -Obligations pg. 35 you could say "and she could actually read the paper" but in that case I'd suggest putting it between "she handled that kind of thing" and "he was hopeless with finance" you could say "and couldn't actually read the paper" "Margi rode behind him, and she was not as comfortable in a horse as he was, which slowed their pace considerably, but Carom didn’t mind" Suggestion: "Margi rode behind him, and as she was not as comfortable on a horse as he was, she/it(the fact that she's not comfortable) slowed their pace considerably, but Carom didn't mind." I'm pretty sure that no one would be comfortable in a horse.
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