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Random Bystander

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Everything posted by Random Bystander

  1. My eyes widen with shock. "How... What..." I push the coins over. "Impressive. No one has ever caught me before." Maybe my original opinion of him was wrong...
  2. I reach my hand into the nobleman's pocket, and slip out 5 gold and 2 silver. (or something similar. I'm guessing he has that much.) I then tuck the coins away into my bag. I look at the nobleman with surprise. I am used to being ignored by those with ranks. Did he know I stole from him? Trying to use my age to my advantage, I try to look and sound innocent. "I am trying to find a friend of mine, my lord." I might as well suck up to him. He's more likely to ignore me if I do. "He came here last year, and decided to try and open a shop." This was all true, although it wasn't the ONLY reason I came. I had begun to be noticed in the last town I was in. It was so obscure, no one seemed to be aware of its existence. However, that doesn't mean they couldn't try and deal with me if I stole too much. I turn back to the bartender. "If you aren't going to bring the food I paid you for, I would like my silver back." I can almost feel the nobleman's eyes looking at me. "Oh, and do you know if there is anywhere nearby I could try and get a job at? I really don't want to live on the streets."
  3. Zaria began to knock on the door, but then froze. "Was that an EXPLOSION!!! I think it was... What do we DO??? Zaria? Are you listening to me?" "Yes Orb, I am listening. I'm just confused... Why was there an explosion? Ugh... I'm guessing we'll have to come back tomorrow, so I think we should just wait in that alley over there." Without thinking, Zaria attuned Irritation. She walked over to the alley, and sat down.
  4. I listen with amusement, as the nobleman talks to the bartender. Maybe I could ask the bartender for a job so I won't have to sleep in an alley. Plus, it will let me know who is worth pick-pocketing if he fires me. If that fails, I could probably just rob the nobleman. Wait until night, and until he is alone. I could live for YEARS off of what I stole from him. Although it would make me need to leave the town immediately, and I DID just get here... no, but that doesn't mean I can't pick-pocket him. I am sitting next to him, so I carefully reach over and try to pick his pockets. I just rolled twice, one for Sleight of Hand, and the other for Stealth. That way you can choose what you think I need. Sleight of hand:13+4=17 Stealth:10+5=15
  5. It was night when Zaria and her lightspren Orb finally found the Metallurgy shop. "Ok, Orb. I found it, now what." "Did you forget? You came here to ask for a job." "Well I know that! I don't however, know HOW to ask for a job." "I think you walk in there and say can I have a job." "You are no help whatsoever. I guess I'll just have to wing it, and hope no one there has met me before. That would be awkward." Zaria walked over an knocked on the door.
  6. Hi. I would also like to be part of this, if it is still open.
  7. The door opens again, and I glance over. It was another traveler. This one looked like he had a very high opinion of himself, dressed in his fine nobleman's clothes and walking with an air of self-importance. He looked like he hadn't ever missed a meal in his life. I shake my head. Why. Just, Why. Why did I have to come on the same day as these people.
  8. I nod and pull out a silver, placing it on the bar. "I want that then". I turn quickly as I hear the door open. I look the newcomer over, and note his obvious cheer. I sigh inwardly at this. Dealing with extroverts exhausts me.
  9. I look at the bartender "How much for a meal."
  10. I walk into the town, relieved that no one seems to be paying any attention to me. I am a 16 year old human thief named Nala. I wander around until I find a tavern, which I decide to enter. I walk to the bar and sit down.
  11. Hi. Can I join? If so, then how would you like me to send you a character sheet?
  12. Hi! I think my favorite non-sanderson book at the moment has to be the Hot Zone! It is kind of terrifying because it ACTUALY HAPPENED, plus it has everything a good fiction book should have (at least in my opinion), even though it is non-fiction (e.g. suspense, interesting characters, good plot).
  13. Ok...I think there are some things I need to clarify. When I said she had amnesia, I made it so it was caused by magic. When she gets her memories back they will ALL come back. It will literally make her unable to function for a few days, as she will have to recover from the shock. Her spren doesn't remember much either. I made it so her Nahel Bond temporarily effected the spren's memory. There is a reason I didn't put her oaths in there.... and that is because of spoilers. I wanted to keep this secret, because at the moment neither Zaria or Orb remembers this... but she went to Nightwatcher. She asked for adventure (this is a normal thing for Willshapers to want) and she got it. She also got the seizure thing I mentioned earlier, which stresses her out. I went all out and have her entire backstory written down! Also, no Cultivation did NOT show up. She doesn't have it at the moment, although it will re-develop soon (AKA, the first time she will be alone after talking to another character), but her Radiant problem thing is an almost crippling anxiety. If scared she also goes into fight or flight mode, and has trouble controlling herself. While she CAN hear the Rhythms, she can not, and will never be able to take a form. Ever. She doesn't have a gem heart. I hope this helps clarify a few things!
  14. Yeah! I am VERY glad that my friend recommended those books. I do wish that he would have told me about the Cosmere. I only found out about it in February, and by then I had already read Warbreaker and Elantris.
  15. A friend of mine recommended Mistborn to me a few years ago, and I really enjoyed it.
  16. I think Feruchemy could be like fire, because it makes you give fuel before you get any benefits.
  17. Thanks! I think my favorite has to be Oathbringer.
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