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Random Bystander

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Everything posted by Random Bystander

  1. "When did this conversation get so strange. Did you not hear me earlier? I. Am. Not. Planning. On. Stealing. Anyone's. Soul. I was merely CURIOUS. That doesn't mean I want to know what it feels like firsthand."
  2. Ladashwy gave her an annoyed glare. "Gee, what a wonderful idea. I've decided to go out and start spiking random allomancers. Oh wait, I don't know how it works, and don't really want to kill anyone."
  3. "Probably pewter then." Ladashwy turned to Marie "You have a lot of spikes, right? What is it like?" Ladashwy readied her pen.
  4. "He came into the village to find me. I think it probably is whatever can steal feruchemical steel. Tin-eyes are relatively common, and most of those would be easier to get to. Steel-runners however, are fairly rare. Unless there is a way to steal both. But based on the other metallic arts, I don't think that is likely."
  5. "As I said, I do NOT want to kill anyone, or tear their souls out of their bodies! I just want to know how this works. I mean, if someone wants to kill me with it, I think it is even more important that I understand it. Although, I would be interested in it either way..."
  6. "You are obviously not a scholar of any kind. You learn stuff to better understand the world. It is an extremely simple concept. Rust and Ruin! Have you never been curious about something?"
  7. "Exactly! I am glad we are in agreement on this."
  8. Ladashwy rolled her eyes. "I never said I wanted to USE it! Knowing about something and doing it are two totally different things." She quickly jotted down the fact that you could be controlled by emotional allomancers. "A lot of people know how to kill, but they don't go around stabbing or shooting people! Why is this any different?"
  9. Ladashwy beamed. "Thank you so much! When do we leave?"
  10. "Are you okay? You look like you are going to pass out."
  11. "Would it be okay if I went with you? I want to learn more about this third metallic art!"
  12. "Had it when he... what?" Ladashwy jotted down more notes. "This is incredible!"
  13. "Since when did the survivor have a RUSTING SPIKE IN HIS EYE?"
  14. "No. This knowledge has been passed down for generations, and ONLY to the first born. My son knows, but he hates his uncle for murdering his mother, my wife." "Hold on. Are you saying the Soverign you keep mentioning is the RUSTING SURVIVOR!!??"
  15. "My Uncle, Fedal, is a ruthless, arrogant idiot. He killed my father, and I don't have much when it comes to funding. He is a twinborn. He will kill my mother, and my siblings next. He has gone insane. I will do ANYTHING to protect them."
  16. "Yes. I got it yesterday from a target on my list. He was an old, isolated thug.
  17. "My father. He is dead. His name was Cadav Ardra."
  18. Assassin guy froze. He was very obviously scared of Marie. "FINE! FINE! Don't let HER get near me, and I will talk."
  19. "You all want me to talk? I will talk... if you give my my spike back and let me spike the Terris girl." Ladashwy took an involuntary step back. "Uh, please don't let him do that."
  20. "Maybe she is a powerful savant flaring pewter. I mean, it could make sense."
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