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Status Updates posted by Turtle

  1. hm. i'm alive

    sorry to my SE friends for flaking--I probably won't be playing again for a while

    I did, however, just finish Tress, and?? so good?? what is hoid up to and why has he ever dealt with weaponized vexilology????

    hopefully minor spoilers for Yumi and the nightmare painter (which I have not read), but i did want to share how I got some bits of that book spoiled for me:


    Hoid is a fan of ramen.[291] and co-owned a restaurant called the Noodle Pupil on Komashi with Design[66] before Design gave it away to Yumi and Nikaro.[65]

    thanks coppermind. great trivia you have there.

    love public libraries so much!!! mine had Tress but not Yumi, but I put in a request so hopefully that will be coming soon. I also somehow have print copies of the final empire and the hero of ages but not the well of ascension?? (bought MB1, got the third from my school library bc my librarian thought it was too old and she was going to be buying ROW anyways)

    have a good day, yall :)

  2. seems like advertising in the about me. is there any way to report an account or something?

  3. Can I ask what editing software you used to change your pfp? i need this in my life :P

    1. Szeth_Pancakes



      Also thx for the follow :D


  4. I guessed my own password! yay!

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Yay! Welcome back Turtle! ^_^

  5. i got tlm

    and promptly spent 15 minutes gushing to my cat about the maps






    (also bought some of those colored tabs for books for this one and came up w a color scheme)

    (eeeeeeeeeee i’m so excited)

    1. Turtle


      no tlm spoilers:

      steris is such incredible autistic representation to me

      like i don’t speak for all autistic/nd people and i don’t even have an official diagnosis rn (am working on jumping through those hoops) but the way she’s portrayed really makes me feel happy bc it’s showing this woman who does some really incredible stuff and is clearly functional within society also having trouble with thinking you think differently than everyone else and that you need to change that to fit in and struggling with understanding social cues and facial expressions

      and her character is so much more than her being autistic and we’re not being told that she’s done the incredible things she’s done in spite of her being autistic because that’s not how that works. she’s done incredible and noteworthy things, and she’s autistic. idk if that makes any sense at all but seriously it means the world to me when i see representation like that


  6. I just finished watching the two towers (extended edition)

    (spoilers ahead)

    and can I say

    the music???? Rohan??? The whole battle of helms deep scene was like??? The best???

    and sir Christopher lee’s portrayal of Saruman was perrrrfect

    and the lead up to Merry and Pippen’s big moment? 

    and the visible way Legolas and Gimli’s dynamic changes?

    and Gandalf at Helm’s deep like that was perfectly foreshadowed now I understand what Sanderson was talking and in his lecture

    and merry and pippin finding Saruman’s private food store lmao


    and the conlangs? Chef’s kiss I loved how the world building just showed through sooooo well!

    and every time they talked about the shire the theme was therrrrre


    so good I would watch the whole helms deep/ents sequence a million times over

    what is it about the second movie in the trilogy being my favorite? Empire strikes back is also my favorite of the OT, and the OT is my favorite of all the main Star Wars movies (but rouge one and clone wars-)

    and the way the traveling seems so cool

    and how Aragorn gets a very clear character arc of him figuring himself out that’s a lot more pronounced than the books

  7. Happy birthday, person I don’t know! 

  8. Update on cat:

    I'm his favorite. He really likes curling up on my bed and sleeping. my brother held his paw and the cat did nothing for a solid few minutes before he nibbled at my brothers hand. he purrs loud.

  9. I have 201 notifs.

    Also they/them pronouns pls lol

    1. Turtle


      also yall I got a cat he's so cute

  10. Ahhh the beauty that is computers breaking down and 94 notifications.


    I’m back. 

  11. Guys, I did it. I finished RoW the day (Or night I guess) It came out. 

    I am very proud of this accomplishment.

    I might want to take a nap though.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Same! Nice job! It's certainly is an accomplishment, AmIright?

    3. Tesh





    4. Condensation


      Yay! I'm planning to do the same(finish in a day) once I get it.

  12. I finished dawnshard!! Eeeeeeee


    Oh my gosh


    Ok wow its so good

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Experience


      I really want there to be a lot of more stuff from it in RoW, but there probably won't be so we have to wait for a long time and... sigh.

    3. Turtle


      I hope we get a Rysn pov.

    4. Experience


      I think we will. Though I remember seeing something about it being from someone elses pov which makes it not actually a rysn pov... just a rsyn interlude...

  13. My mom... she threatened me with being grounded because I tried to spoil the way of kings for her. (And I'm re-reading TWoK so I won't really be here for long.) 

  14. ok guys, so I'm just... bleh. I've been working myself almost too much in skating and I have a ton of homework. See you guys hopefully on Saturday. Maybe a little bit tomorrow. But for now,



    I also have a headache.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vapor


      Bye! I hope your headache gets better.

    3. Doomstick
    4. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Take it easy, hope you have a great rest of your day!

  15. is anyone interested in a grand scheme that includes pranks?

  16. mwahaha

    wait, am I suffering from anything? Or did Fadranqueendranfadraan happen?

    1. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Queedran is happening. You are suffering because I say so.

    2. Turtle
  17. This happened over discord- not my fault.


    @Channelknight Fadran @DramaQueen

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