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Status Updates posted by Goob

  1. Sanderson mentioned the movie I was ranting about in the last status update in the postscript, as an inspiration. I have never felt more validated in my life

    1. Slowswift


      He mentioned that on an episode of Intentionally Blank too, and my excitement for the Secret Project in question immediately multiplied exponentially. I love that movie so much.

  2. I don't do these anymore but...
    Secret Project #3 spoilers (up to chapter 11 so not that bad)



    Your Name. (yes the period is in the name) is a 2016 film which I won't majorly spoil since it's very good and you should watch it. However in the first third the two main characters periodically switch bodies. One is a shrine maiden from rural japan and the other is a boy from tokyo.

    Yumi and the Nightmare Painter is a 2023 book which I can't spoil since I haven't read it all yet. However in the first part of the book which I have read, the two main characters periodically switch bodes. One is a holy girl from a medieval planet and the other is a boy from a modernish city. Sound familiar?

    I am going insane?

    Your Name. spoilers (Seriously go watch it first!!! This is a major part of the plot and will lessen your experience of the movie!)


    is yumi going to be hit by a meteor



    1. Goob



      Well, maybe 'switching' is a bit of stretch to describe what's going on in Yumi, but it's close enough to be funny.


  3. Go read Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett. It's genuinely fantastic and the cover quote is from ol' Brandon himself if that'll get you interested


    And while we're here you should also read Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie. Also a fantastic series 


  4. i think the reason I write so slow is because whenever I want to give my space-age pirate a hat I spend 30 minutes on wikipedia looking at types of hats and debating whether I want to give them a tricorn for the cool line I could use or use something more reasonable to keep it less cheesy

    1. Slowswift


      I believe this right here is what they call a mood.

  5. Through the power of EU covers, I shall ascend.



    I am such an awful photographer holy crud


  6. How on earth is there already eight and a half million dollars on Brandon's kickstarter it's been seven hours

    1. danex


      he do be like that tho

  7. Wrote the first part of a story. Find it here:



  8. had an eye surgery yesterday and the only things keeping me going at the moment are painkillers and doom music

  9. For the past year or two I've kind of been in a reading rut. I've struggled to find anything I wanted to read and to get the motivation to read it.
    That's why, right now, the first suggestion in the replies I will be OBLIGATED to read, given I haven't read it before.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Unknown Order

      The Unknown Order

      The Death and Life of Dominick Davidner by Shawn Inmon.

      I know you already got two, but here's a third for a later date.

    3. Channelknight Fadran
    4. Doomstick


      The thirteen and a half lives of captain Bluebear 

  10. Don't know what strange part of my mind dredged this up, but it hurts my head and I love it.

  11. rainboweye.png.306884800d26ef5e9004ca7e8287d96c.png
    another random GIMP creation

  12. 61494cd02b080_BloodofGold.png.dbe5a4f35f6b1fce25c625ec8d8693f6.png

    dunno what this thing is but I made it and I think it looks cool

    1. The Unknown Order
    2. AonEne


      Looks kinda like some cultish symbol? Like something people would worship idk? 

  13. Hello! I just posted a forum game. If you don't know what an ISOT game is, don't worry, I explain in the OP. 


  14. I posted a new RP. Me and Spock put a lot of work into it, so go check it out!


  15. Okay, should probably give some more clarification to my last update. I'm currently staying at a family members house while we wait to move to some temporary housing in the state we're going to live in- I promise I'll post to everything once we get there, which should be this sunday-monday-tuesday.

    1. AonEne


      I hope all goes well! 

  16. Hey guys, sorry about the lack of any posts for the last week or so- I'm currently in the process of moving cross-country and I just haven't felt up to it.

  17. Sorry about my complete lack of any posts this week. This week's been stacked with stuff and afterwards I always have 0 motivation to do anything afterwards. I should be able to post tommorow though, and after that everything should go back to normal.

  18. Uh...

    So I'm at 998 posts but have no ideas for what to do for my 1000th. It'll probably be an RP since I have literally no connection to any other part of the forum, so... Expect something soon.

  19. Hope you're doing well, and coming back soon!

  20. Okay, NOW it's 2021. Happy new year!

  21. Merry 9:00 on December 31st, 2020!

  22. Merry Christmas Eve Eve everyone!

    1. Spockledorf


      Merry Christmas Eve Eve! :D

    2. Condensation


      Merry Christmas Adam!

  23. My soul just feels empty now that I've finished RoW.

    What am I supposed to do with my life now that Brando's amazing writing isn't constantly getting blasted into my eardrums?

    I just die a little on the inside every time I'm bored and I go "Well I'll just resume- wait. Oh yeah. :("

    Anyway, I'm due for like my third (maybe fourth?) rereading of all of his works. Bye!



    1. Goob


      Holy mother of all things my library has the graphic audio edition of Warbreaker, all three parts too holy crap.


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