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Everything posted by Biplet

  1. I'm gonna plop a vote on Araris. The coincidence of getting RB'd + lack of kill lends credence to him being an elim, and I don't necessarily like the votes on Karn. I don't have a strong enough read on them to vote on them. Willing to move tho
  2. I’m alive. Three concerts yesterday, sorry. Will make a better post after classes are done today just want to make it clear I’m not ignoring the thread. Thanks for understanding y’all <3
  3. Archer Okay, Drake soft-cleared. Karn sus because... low activity? I think it's fair taking a look at them rn but I can't say I have a strong read either way. Gah, I'm at the weird point in my life/the game where things are weird and I'm having a hard time making decisions and sticking to them.
  4. Hi. Still don’t like tani, but no one is following me on that train so it’s not worth pursuing right now. Unless you’re also suspicious and finally want to join me. Also, I am less sus of her now (tho still sus) bc the Sunday thing is valid and I’m not going to villainize someone for taking personal time on Sundays. Sorry for my own activity drop. My irl has been very crazy what with this freezing weather. Yesterday I slipped on ice and fell down the stairs, and then spent my evening in bed resting the injuries XD
  5. >be me, reads thread >sees archer votes on me after saying reading me mildly village >prepares a vote on archer >araris: yeah ok bort is elim Anyway, Bort. Definitely worth looking into Archer next cycle bc I'm seeing e/e red over here.
  6. Hmm, okay. If you know me you know I like to say hi to new people/people I don't know. I tend to be friendly in thread. If you look earlier, I also greeted another player (Sequence) I didn't know, and we had a short conversation about it. I also think it's reasonable to react to two completely out of the blue votes? Never said I was against voting Tani. In fact, my exact words were: I said I didn't feel great about Tani, as in I wasn't reading them good. I listed some of my suspicions and what my hang ups were, and then later proceeded to vote on them based on my suspicions listed here. So you're completely wrong, actually. TFW you're a busy student that left an unfinished post open on her laptop. You missed an important part of my post, specifically: "when it looks like the elims are building up to a mega-kill." We had new information, that information being that the elims might be hoarding steel. With that fear in mind, I didn't want to throw out a sudden side train. D1 is wayyyy different. D2 we have info. Because I was sus of you both. Your post makes a lot of inferences about me, friend
  7. getting consistently worse, tbh. Pressure on her D1, pretty high activity levels in comparison to the rest of the thread, then almost completely falls off the radar? Yeah I don't like it. Feels like she's trying to hide.
  8. I'm going to place a vote on Thaid. I don't think Steel is an elim (uh oh just got Ninja'd by Steel. Asking someone to move a vote off him isn't necessarily a good look but it's too obvious to be elim). The evidence presented against him isn't hefty enough to be really substantive. Anyway, I don't like how Archer is feeling but I can't remember his meta. Sheeping Mat at the beginning of the cycle just feels so obviously like an elim needing someone to vote on that it's almost too obvious. I'm running around in IKYK circles. Help. Anyway, Thaid it is for now. I think the "oh I completely forgot I was stolen from" bit feels like a new player trying to give themself village cred. I don't agree with Archer's reason for voting on Thaid tho. The role slip is NAI. Willing to join on Archer should more reasoning be presented. I'm close to the tipping point between the two. Forgive me for not voting earlier than now. It has been an insane few days.
  9. mmm yeah there's the problem with a general lack of information. I'm notoriously bad at voting early in the game, and with only TUA's death to give us info, that's lasting to D2 unfortunately :(. That's why I didn't throw a vote on you (or anyone for that matter) yet. I don't know if I'd count what you said as an elim slip tbh. It's a pretty average thing to say in the grand scheme of things.
  10. The lack of anything this game is making it hard to vote. I stand by my Tani vote D1, because I still feel weird about her, but the last minute votes at EoD do give credence to the idea of elim!stick. I'm willing to vote on them or Steel, since pressure seems to be mounting on Steel now, and I don't think it's a good idea to throw out a side train when it looks like elims are building up for a mega-kill. I agree with kas: we need to pick our exe's carefully, because losing a ton of players at one to the NK would be very not good. Odd, however, that Kas said that immediately after giving a completely un-reasoned vote on Tani XD but hey I won't complain that someone else at least agrees with my suspicion. Thief vibes Edit: sorry, security officer vibes
  11. Gonna be real honest with y’all I thought I made a post. Brain is scrampled egg The lack of pushback on the D1 trains feels weird, and also the last minute votes on a game that wasn’t very tense yet. Weird vibes all around
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