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Everything posted by Biplet

  1. Indeed, in which case I yield to the whims and ways of the thread and the game our dear GMs have bestowed on us. Come what may!
  2. I mean outright telling people exactly how to vote and how to use their abilities wasn’t Orlok’s idea lol, but I digress. I don’t want to argue because this is a game and games are fun and Yeehaw and all that lol. My current disposition stems from a dislike of this style of game solving rather than any sort of annoyance at individuals. A game where a small group of people do all of the solving through sheer mechanics alone, and then come out of the woodwork to tell everyone else what to do for Optimal Solving, is not conductive to the most fun game environment yeah? But it comes back to fun vs winning, and what to prioritize more, the everlasting debate. And it comes back to my lack of engagement at the beginning, to exe or not to exe a villager that struggles to contribute
  3. The elims? It gets one more villager out of the way for them. I guess Drake promised pacifism right? Aman states he's gonna kill me, 50/50 chance he's lying and he's gonna shoot someone else. Thus they block him, both saving themselves and making me look bad. win-win But I yield. I'm tired and I don't like fighting this fight because I don't think I know enough about what's going on to have any valuable input into the situation besides what I've presented. I've mounted my defense, most don't want to believe me, that's the way it goes. I'm not a confirmed villager, others are, it makes sense that they're more believable than me. Edit: uh, hm, that was an interesting ninja
  4. This comes back around to them having to assume you were telling the truth when you said you were going to kill me
  5. Again on this. Saved me?? They've blocked you twice now, right? Why is it different now that I'm the one who lived? Does this not make me a prime misexe target, taking the pressure off elims for yet another day?
  6. Yeah I think that's what I was getting at. I think I might be letting emotions get the better of me.
  7. Oh that's cool, so it really is at the point where all the pressure is on me because it doesn't matter if he loses the vote huh? I mean it's not like I've been much help in the first place This game is being mechanically solved far beyond what I'm capable of figuring out and it really has just come to the point that we do the mechanically Optimal Thing decided by a group of a few people. Which I guess is the most ideal way to solve a game, but I guess... I don't know. I don't know where I was going with this. I yield to the vote for now. Come what may
  8. This is very convoluted and heavily policed. It's uh... I don't wanna say a bad vibe but it certainly is a weird vibe. If I vote in self preservation, I look bad. If I don't, I might die. Ash seems unconcerned with his possible death, which ???? okay. Feels like I'm damned if I do damned if I don't and I don't like the corner I've been backed into for the sake of a scan, because even if I vote to be cleared by the scan and the tie holds, there's a 50/50 shot I die, and what does that do for me? Maybe I should put the village above all else but does it help us to exe me?? We lose another villager and the elims get one step closer to parity. So far the only conf!elim we have dead is Tani, because of the claim, and we have no idea how close we are to parity. Maybe it's just worth it to not vote and let the dice roll and hope it gets us to the right spot.
  9. I HAVE ESCAPED THE OPERA For the rest of the game I will be making obscure references to Gilbert and Sullivan's Patience that only Striker will understand. Call me Biplet, the all-right Anyway, what's going on? Someone has the tie thing again? Who? I feel like I missed something.
  10. I had opera Okay, but there is. From an elim POV, you hard signaling that you're going to shoot me is a perfect opportunity. If you shoot me and they roleblock, it puts me in hot water and makes me an easy misexe target. If you don't shoot me, they still roleblock the NK that could've come for them, and because you signaled that you were aiming for me, it once again puts me in hot water for the exe. Win-win for the elims. It looks like you've been roleblocked twice now, right? So they've been roleblocking you consistently? Why does this become a special RB now that you're targeting me?? Honest truth? I haven't voted for irl reasons. I've had the opera every night and it runs from 6-10 every night, which is right through rollover for me, and you can argue that I should've put a vote earlier and all the things and yeah I know that, but the real honest-to-God truth is that I am just so tired. For D3, I didn't vote so I didn't mess up the tie thing, which I even stated in thread and asked if you wanted me to vote for the clear thingy. No one answered so I thought it better to not break the tie and ruin everything? I'm gonna be real! This game is really hard to engage with! There's a lot of mechanical solving that's going right over my head, and I'm trying, I'm really trying to stay with it, but it's just hard. If you vote me out, okay, so be it, I know I'm a thorn in the metaphorical side of this game (lol :P). My role isn't the most useful and, as you said, better to vote out a villager that isn't participating than one that is, right? But I ask that you please don't vote me based entirely on my lack of activity. I'm trying to be here. It's the best I can offer. On a more serious note, I had a huge allergic reaction to the dust in the orchestra pit and am very sick, so my head isn't on quite right. I just ask for a little understanding, thanks guys <3 Edit: I forgot to vote so I will when someone posts lol
  11. Waiting until I’m not on mobile to mount my defense, but yes. I scanned xino who was apparently not trolled im in rehearsal right now, sorry
  12. No. I'll go ahead and claim. I'm a Meme Maker, which is just a trollscan. It hasn't given me much so far, and I forgot to submit an action last night because Opera
  13. Sigh. You miss everything when you’re 6 feet deep in the (orchestra) pit no vote manip in the tie. Interesting
  14. I'm confused. So does it tell you who in the pool is elim? Or the number of elims in said pool?
  15. It's going. We had to open the opera cold since the winter storm took all of our dress rehearsals. Tonight we open cold with the 2nd cast, very nervous Otherwise it's going okay, we fared well in the storm lol Anyway, I hate to flood the thread with irl, so here are some Thoughts: the steel lack of lynchbait doesn't look good, but his explanation did feel believable, so I'm not sure what to think. If I vote, it'll ruin the tie, so I'm assuming thread doesn't want me to vote right now. Unless that means I vote on myself which, I hope you understand, I won't do
  16. Hey that was me! I was a terrible CS that was my first game ever Anyway, okay, why me? I see that I'm up for the tie exe but like... why? I haven't seen any reason for it. Yeah I know I haven't been as active as normal, sorry, but I don't see how that makes me suspicious? Idk if I missed the reasoning buried in (checks thread) 17 pages, but yeah. Can I propose that we don't vote people just so we can get them all to tie? Feels like we're throwing votes out willy nilly. As in, does it have to be a 3-way?? lol
  17. Granted, with you being the only one voting on me, it didn't feel too dangerous lol
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