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Everything posted by Biplet

  1. 24 hours into their predicament, Shara wanted nothing more than to leave behind the stuffy meeting halls. She had better things to do than be trapped with a bunch of incompetent politicians who only cared about themselves. She’d come here with Iden to inspire better policies, not to listen to people whine and complain. Iden, her employer, paced back and forth in their cramped room they shared. It was bad enough to have to share this tiny space for a week, but now they were stuck indefinitely. At least they had separate beds. Stressed, annoyed, and tired, Shara did what she did best: work. “I’ve made a note of every person Isendwel may have had a connection with, based on previous interactions at other events, who she often ate with, and where she is from.” Iden stopped pacing and peered at the comprehensive spreadsheet. It was pretty good, if she did say so herself. He nodded. “Impressive. You’ve noted the cleaner. Why?” “He cleaned Isendwel’s desk second after the first meeting.” “You noticed that? Who am I kidding, of course you did.” A satisfied smile pulled at Shara’s lips, but she suppressed it. She knew she was good, no need to seem visibly cocky. Iden did enough of that for the both of them. -0- Hellooooooooo LG77. This is definitely my most complicated game yet, so very excited to be playing. Let's see if I can hit 200 words more than once a day lol. Initial thoughts: There are an insane amount of roles and possible role combinations, so I'm wondering how many were left out. There's no possible way that every ability was used, unless Striker is an insane person. (He kind of is, but that's beside the point). Thinking of what twinborn combinations could be out there, especially considering some allomantic and feruchemic abilities do a lot of the same thing. Now I'm worried that Striker is more insane than first thought and there's some crazy OP combinations out there. Or just... completely random combinations that cause maximum chaos. I feel like people who played the original run of this game may have more insight into the rules than I do. Anyone have any ~interesting tidbits~ of information they're willing to share to the thread? 3 would make sense if the elim team has a bloodmaker or thug, but I agree, 4 makes the most sense. Also, I missed this in the rules. The kandra can change people???? Uh oh Are you saying this is including day and night? Because that makes sense. 6 for the day (short post, pm, vote, 6 boxings) and then night (short post, pm, 5 boxings) makes that 11 a cycle.
  2. THE SHOUTY SHOUT AGENCY OMG I clearly remember striker sending me stories about the shouty shout agency when he ran this game the first time.
  3. I knew about the brig part, but I had no idea the search lights also could've outed us. That could've been really bad.
  4. I'm cracking up because sart claiming trapper was unplanned and caused inordinate amounts of panic (mostly from me) in the elim doc. I should also add that me backing up my scans was a complete lie and the stuff in the thread was total coincidence, though I did scan you on like C4 or C5 lmao.
  5. @Matrim's Dice @Sart gg friends, it was so much fun to plot with y'all. Somehow, the disaster trio pulled through. Edit: PLAN BRIG
  6. Unfortunately, I must vote Experience. O7
  7. I’m in! Sign me up as Shara, advisor to a representative of the third Octant, Iden.
  8. Sart Everything is confusing. I wondered if two village investigators was a possibility, because having to scan twice for alignment does take a while. Between Quinn and I, we only found three total alignments. I find it hard to believe that the elim team would have a trapper, so either I'm wrong with my elim read and sart is a trapper (doubt) or he's lying. Edit: I’m okay with a 24 hour cycle! I just lost power, and we’re expecting some storms and flooding tonight and tomorrow, so I may be MIA. I will do my best to check the thread when possible.
  9. Okay I can at the very least promise that I had nothing to do with this lol, so I’m not sure how this associates me with sart. Well, that’s not pleasant uhhh can someone brig me or something. Exp? Hahaha. Sigh Edit: Okay we have two trappers who... barely used their ability? Unless some of those hospitalizations weren't elim attacks. I'm calling bs
  10. She got outed on C2 and Gears asked for her to be protected. But now it makes sense why she wasn't brigged at least, if you missed it.
  11. I'm curious: why didn't you brig Quinn when it was requested? But that explains why the Agent didn't improve any parts on C1
  12. Okay so I scanned you first C2, and on C3 said this: Bc you had just shown up as having no role, and I'd been assuming you had one, so I was confused. But C4 I did my reads list, and you were at the top, because you'd just popped up village for me. After that I went on to scan Randby bc you'd been voting on her at that point, and I wanted to see if your suspicion was founded and if we had an inactive elim.
  13. ??? i can prove I scanned you C2 and C3
  14. Okay. C1- Scanned Archer (engineer) C2- Was going to scan Archer, changed to Illwei (no role) when it looked like he would win the exe C3- scanned Illwei (village) C4- scanned Randby (no role) C5- scanned Randby (village)
  15. Alright, yeah, I'm an investigator. But I'm not an elim. Quinn I never outed myself to the thread for obvious reasons, but unfortunately I'm out in the open now, so I guess this means bad news for me . I will not be revealing who I've scanned so far, because I don't want to out people in the thread, but I've not found an elim. Quinn outed Gears and confirmed herself Investigator early on, which I assume was to gain village cred. Also, why didn't you scan Randby twice? Considering she's been voted on a bunch, knowing her alignment would be helpful. Lying about being brigged and then getting angry when people ask if you're brigged + getting angry about getting brigged isn't a good look. Also, Quinn, why out Randby as having no role? She's still in the game.
  16. Quinn isn’t looking good with records still being intact, but she wasn’t lying about gears looks like, so that’s some credit to her. @Illwei sorry I couldn’t respond before rollover, I was in church.
  17. Voting on Azmine, then voting on Illwei this cycle and immediately retracting it after an admittedly shoddy explanation from her. Why would she lie about pming you???
  18. I'm gonna deviate from my norm and vote now instead of waiting for day 2 of the cycle, because I want to get some discussion going. Szeth. For the same reasons as before, but also after the move to save you last cycle, I can't help but see it as suspicious. I must once again, for better or worse, join TJ on a vote on you :P. I'm open to my mind being changed, because I'm starting to see Illwei as a little more suspicious than before, and don't think you're free from suspicion Mat. My null read on you is tipping downward. Also, we had a couple people not speak last cycle, didn't we? Randby still hasn't voted, and I don't think they were here last cycle either. Same for Sart.
  19. Not on its own. It’s the context of everyone else saving you that makes me suspicious I would’ve been shocked if you didn’t self pres
  20. And Azmine is village, and a trapper. I wonder if they used their ability before getting exed. Very suspicious of everyone who suddenly moved to Azmine at the end.
  21. I’m gonna keep my vote on Szeth, because it looks like he won’t win the exe but also because I can’t in good conscience vote on Azmine when I can’t really read ANYTHING from him. I’ll look like a dingus if Azmine flips elim
  22. Yknow, that’s fair XD. I’ll do better to form stronger opinions on my own once I get a better grasp on SE games but hey, at least it means you’re making good points
  23. Hi! Apologies. I've been spending the day catching up with a good friend Some general thoughts: I've noticed Exp's slight lack of arguments, but I don't think it's enough for me to vote on them. Besides the little suspicion I had on them C1, I haven't noticed anything since. Szeth's tunnel on Illwei has been pointed out to give them village cred, but it almost feels like we're shooting ourselves in the foot with that. Paranoia. I agree with TJ: the "I didn't read them elim" is exactly something I would've said the game I played elim to try and discourage suspicion. TJ's MR but I can't remember the number. For better or worse, I'm reading Illwei village. I have nothing on Azmine. Never played a game with them and have no reason to find them suspicious. Szeth Pancakes Reads list: Illwei - Village Quinn - Village Gears - Mild Village Devo - Mild Village TJ - Mild Village Mat - Null Sart - Null Randby - Null Azmine - Null Experience - Mild Elim Szeth - Elim That's not enough elim reads. I'm paranoid
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