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Bearer of all agonies

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Bearer of all agonies last won the day on January 3 2021

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About Bearer of all agonies

  • Birthday 02/23/1871

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  • Member Title
    What happens if you get scared half to death. . . twice?
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  • Location
    Somewhere in Antarctica
  • Interests
    Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse, Golf, Skiing, Tennis, Running, Mountain Biking, Cliff Jumping, Archery, Whittling, Hiking, Climbing, NinjaWarrior, Ju-Jitsu, Parkour, DnD, Reading; Brandon Sanderson, John Flanagan, Brandon Mull, Stuart Gibbs, Suzanne Collins, Ernest Cline, Kevin Sands, and Tolkien.

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  1. Recap: Last week we played two games against our rivals. We thought that they were going to win, but 16 seconds into the game, we scored. Emotions were high, we were feeling great. But at the end of the period, it was 5-1 the other team. Halfway throught the secondperiod, it was 7-1 and one of our players accedently tripped and checked another player into the boards. He was knocked unconcious, and got a major concussion. The rink manager called the ambulance and they took him to the hospital. We had to end the game early because of that. Between games we went outside, and played a friendly soccer game with them. It was really fun, and they were all really nice. The second game ended 7-4 them. Then, this week we played them again, and they were up 5-1 and we came back and scored three goals and made the game 5-4. I scored one of those goals on a breakaway. It was great. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Condensation


      That does sound fun, although I'm not much of a soccer player.

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Oh shoot. I forgot to say that they were both hockey games and we played soccer in between. I’m an idiot. 

    4. Scout_Fox


      My what a chilling story (yes yes that was terrible I apologize :P)

      That's the worst when you start out strong and then just can't maintain it! And then someone had to go to the hospital!! Goodness me oh my that is gosh darn diddley terrible! Did you guys at least win the soccer in-between?

      Hey that's really good though to be coming back on them. 7-4 is a much better improvement and then to rebound again to 5-4 next game with them especially after being down is impressive! You play them any more times this season?? Cuz I know where my moneys gonna be :D

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