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About Trutharchivist

  • Birthday 11/16/2000

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    Reading. In addition to (obviously) Brandon Sanderson's books I've read the basic classic Fantasy books - LotR, Narnia, Harry Potter - the ones that were popular in my country a few years ago - Riordan's mythologies, Artemis Fowl and the Inheritance Cycle, some books that I won't categorize like His Dark Materials trilogy, the Inkworld trilogy, the Underland Chronicles, Seven Wonders (by Peter Lerangis), the Sunlit Lands trilogy, the Books of Beginning trilogy, the Bartimeus trilogy, Lockwood & Co., The Chronicles of Pridain, Sabriel out of the Old Kingdom series, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, Spiderweek, (the two last ones I remember, but didn't like too much, really) some random Fantasy books from the local library, Ella Enchanted (apparently), the Last Unicorn (it's an amazing book, you should read it) Five Kingdoms and Beyonders by Brandon Mull, The Homeward Bounders, Archer's Goon, the Worlds of Chrestomanci series, Fire and Hemlock, the Magids duology, Black Maria, the Time of the Ghost, the Power of Three and Hexwood by Diana Wynne Jones. I also write sometimes.
    Life? What is that? Never heard of such a thing, sorry. Now, if you allow me, there's this book I'm trying to read...

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  1. Today is my (Hebrew calendar) birthday. Well, for many of you it's still tomorrow, but still. 

    It seems silly to mention it at a time like this. I'd guess most all of you know by now what's going on in Israel, and now I've been taken to the IDF again, after having two weeks free since being released from the... Previous job I've had, at the beginning of all this.

    So, my birthday, which is something I anticipate every year, has become pretty much tasteless. Not just because "how can I celebrate when people are dying?", but because I literally can't celebrate where I currently am. I don't have the peace of mind nor the ability.

    In two weeks there's going to be a small wave of all those people who go over the birthday list and will wish me a happy birthday. I have no idea where I'll be, there's a good chance I won't even reply with my regular "I've already celebrated it, but thank you anyway".

    This is just a depressed update from an idiot who wasn't planning on a war to ruin his birthday. Oh well.

    Thank you for reading (whatever reason you have for deciding to read it is beyond me, I'm afraid), and have a better day than I'm having. Furthermore, have an actually good day, and not one just slightly less bad than I'm having.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trutharchivist


      Wishes are all well and good, and I wish so too, but... 

      Sometimes it's inevitable.

      I dare you to make a Warbreaker reference right now. Please, do.

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I'm afraid I don't remember too much of Warbreaker. I only read it once and never plan on reading it again.

      I know it's inevitable but I wish and hope anyways that a day will come for peace and no more contention as impossible as it seems. I hope to make the world brighter through my poems and actions and maybe books. 

      Sorry I just kinda dumped that, my heart just aches for a great many reasons. 

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *more hugs*

      If only, if only…stay safe, my friend.

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