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Everything posted by theTruthshaper

  1. This isn't true as far as I can figure out. Also, this would highly depend upon the exact alloy used for the armor, which would make it quite confusing.
  2. Do you know how grounding works? To protect building against lightning? This is the same principle. And while the armor isn't in one piece, I was imagining all the pieces as touching each other. If the pieces aren't touching, then the chance of dying increases.
  3. Nope. Unless the armor was not touching the ground. As long as there is a continuous line of metal from the breast plate to the ground, the person in the armor would practically feel nothing except heat.
  4. There is a difference between a charged piece of metal and metal which is conducting electricity into the ground. This is essentially that the charged piece is not touching the ground. If it would have been touching the ground, it would not have remained charged.
  5. Exactly, the metal is very conductive and will conduct the electricity. You only get shocked when your body conducts electricity.
  6. AFAIK the *time* for which the electric current is flowing in the body is important. So, you can get away with a pretty low voltage as long as you can maintain it, and you don't want to send it through the air. If you do want to send it through the air, then you would need a very high voltage which would change with the range of the lightning. An additional problem is that if you try to send lightning through the air, the lightning will simply hit the ground unless the person is closer to your hands then the ground is. You could simply let the have more control over the lightning but that would imply that there are much easier ways of killing someone with their powers then shooting lightning at them. Oh and, lightning can't do anything to metal armors or the person inside it, unless you make it so strong that the metal heats up enough to kill the person inside.
  7. 0 divided by o isn't anything. It's undefined. Yes.
  8. I once missed my bus 'cause I was reading my textbook. I love reading textbooks as long it isn't required reading.
  9. I've switched of all notifications, expect status updates, pings, and quotes, It's really much better now.
  10. I don't think mixing 2 shards (or their investitures) necessarily becomes something of both. The best example is Ruin and Preservation became Harmony. Also, Cultivation and Honor become Science, which also feels extremely wrong to me.
  11. I mean, I really, really don't get why people think killing Sadeas was wrong. And this even though I am nearly as big a pacifist as Lirin. If Sadeas would have been left alive, he would have caused the deaths of thousands of people. Not killing him would have been wrong.
  12. Ene is like Hoid, but instead of creating religions by trickery, she makes them by being storming nice.
  13. Modern vulcanization was invented sometime in the 1800s, but older civilizations used to process rubber too. I don't know much about it, sorry.
  14. Don't forget about vulcanization, though. Natural rubber gets gooey in the heat, and cracks in the cold
  15. 960 ~64 years left if we continue at our average speed.
  16. Ooh, Enemies to Lovers speedrun! I wanna know what happened(If you want to tell us)
  17. But we know that changing friction does not change the buoyant force.
  18. What do you mean by the acceleration being negative? Do you mean that objects are being accelerated towards the center of the earth? A planet rotating around a star is not a good analogy for a falling object, in this case. A falling object will have a constant acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2 (assuming not very high speed, and close to earth). This means it's speed will be constantly increasing (while falling) by 9.81 m/s per second. There is no limit to the momentum gravity can impart to a falling object.
  19. I think you are majorly confused about how forces work. A constant force constantly changes the momentum of an object. The reason that the earth is not constantly increasing speed is that, the force on the earth is perpendicular to i's velocity, this makes it go around the sun, while not changing it's speed. Essentially, any force can add an arbitrarily large momentum to an object given enough time.
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