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Everything posted by nbozb

  1. I'm pretty sure that Ruin and Preservation were the only two shards on Scadrial as of the information that we have now. Feruchemy is Ruin and Preservation in equal measure.
  2. Too much time. No time sounds stressful. Would you rather go through everything Kaladin goes through (and not end up with Radiant powers afterwards), or everything that Szeth goes through, but you only use the Radiant powers when you're killing people.
  3. Yeah, I guess that doesn't make much sense. I have a copy of the Lord of the Rings at home, but it's compiled into one book, so it looks really big. I'm planning on starting LotR soon though, so wish me luck!
  4. The ability to procrastinate. Don't really want to feel that wound now? Well, I'll put it off until later!
  5. Aw man, I wanted that one. Are you willing to share? Something awesome about Lightshapers though is that we have the surges of the Lightweavers, the Willshapers, and the Elsecallers. Any other order combos that give the surges of three orders? Like Lightdancers having the surges of Lightweavers, Edgedancers, and Truthwatchers.
  6. I got Lightweaver! I mean, I always get Lightweaver on these sorts of quizzes, so this makes a lot of sense. Lightweaver - 75% Willshaper - 72% Elsecaller - 65% Truthwatcher - 61% Windrunner - 60% Skybreaker - 56% Stoneward - 54% Dustbringer - 50% Edgedancer - 48% Bondsmith - 32%
  7. Wasing the reading the lessons. Did I get it right?
  8. Is it too late to join and catch up? I'd love to join!
  9. Hi! Welcome to the 17th Shard. What's your favorite magic system in Sanderson's books?
  10. I've watched the movies, but haven't read the Lord of the Rings. I'm a little scared to pick them up, considering their size. Maybe I'll get to them, one day.
  11. I'd say that he wasn't the greatest king, but he showed so much potential for growth to be a much better one, especially considering how much he wanted to learn how to lead people. Of course, everybody's favorite character, Moash, cut that arc short.
  12. Nightblood and Lift's fork are best friends and have a telepathic connection that can cover any distance and they chat through it together when their owners are asleep. Nightblood talks about all the evil he wants to destroy, and how nobody seems to appreciate him destroying evil so well. Lift's fork talks about all the food that she has helped Lift consume. They get along surprisingly well. Harmony and the hog.
  13. nbozb


    Hi! Are you talking about the other copy of the introduction post I made? Sorry about that, lol. I couldn't figure out how anything worked on here. I'll definitely avoid in the future! Thanks!
  14. nbozb


    I will! What character arc do you feel has the most potential, then?
  15. nbozb


    What made you guess? I remember looking at Way of Kings in my class library. It was such a big book that I was terrified to get into it, but at the same time, I really wanted to. After I checked it out, it sat on my bookshelf for the longest time, until I made myself pick it up. I was hooked from the first chapter. Did you have a Way of Kings story?
  16. nbozb


    I love Raoden! I think he's absolutely awesome. I haven't met Steris or Renerin that much yet, but when I reach those books, I'm sure I'll love them. They seem awesome. What about them makes them your favorite characters?
  17. nbozb


    Hi! The first question is a very hard pick. I'd have to go with Kaladin and Vin though. My favorite magic system is Allomancy (though Hemalurgy is very, uh, interesting). Which of Sanderson's magic systems do you want to use the most?
  18. nbozb


    Hi! Thanks for the warning, I'll avoid that section. What's your favorite character arc in the Cosmere?
  19. nbozb


    Hi! Yes, I have. I've read the Rithimist, Skyward, Mistborn Era 1, Elantris, and most recently, Warbreaker. What's your favorite book by Sanderson?
  20. nbozb


    Hi! That's a very hard question. I just finished Warbreaker and I love Lightsong, but my favorite storyline was Vivenna's. I'd say that my all time favorite characters in the Cosmere are Kaladin and Vin. What about you?
  21. nbozb


    I guess I'm here now! I'm currently making my way through Stormlight (I'm on Oathbringer). Hi!
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