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Everything posted by The_Archivist

  1. Everest started walking towards the stairs and realised with a start that Shana was injured. How had he not noticed that? He felt terrible. However, he brightened considerably at the mention of cake, he loved cake! And another person who liked baking it was wonderful news. He kept walking down the stairs. @Sorana @Lunamor
  2. He sighed, his smile disappearing. "Nothing out of the ordinary, I'm sure. Voidbringers ruined my life, I've been running away from them for a few months," slight misdirection there, as no one would say that about exactly half a year, "and I found this place using fortune." His smile returned, "Learning more about you guys sounds like a good idea. There's no need for a tour though, I can look around on my own." That way I won't give too much away if my theories are confirmed. @Sorana @Lunamor
  3. He told him coldly, "I assume you are the architect? Either that or Agrajag."
  4. But he didn't turn around slowly. He turned around fast, with his weapon drawn, and he saw... feel free to put whatever you want there.
  5. "Just put your stuff in there, and the room is yours." Everest self conciously took off a small backpack containing some spare metalminds, a decade old cellphone he fixed up and two extra sets of clothing, and placed it inside the room. Before he could tell Shana that no, he hadn't seen the rest of the house yet, she introduced another person who was standing by the staircase. "Healing people. That sounds useful." It also explains how they aren't dead by this point. "I probably won't be experiencing it firsthand though, since I can heal myself." He said, tapping his gold ring with his nail. It had been hard to get it, but it was completely worth it. "I'm Everest by the way." @Lunamor @Sorana
  6. Meanwhile, Archivist was sneaking into the cave system to steal the staff as well, but was delayed by the confusing layout of the caves. "Whoever designed those caves is a really bad architect."
  7. As a copper compounder, will my character notice that there are differences?
  8. I don't know if you mean the food kind or the online kind, but either way, I am aghast. 316
  9. "The room above the pool sounds great." He grinned, "I mean, just imagine the splash size of a cannonball from up here!" He shivered as she pointed out the pictures on her door. What if her spren decided to do that to a person?!
  10. Nope, they don't fit the system or tone of the cosmere. Even though The Rithmatist does come pretty close, with it's magic system sort of feeling like a shard based one, with the shadowblaze, the lines being more powerful the better drawn they are, and the need for intent. (also I don't want to die).
  11. Thankfully it was just a projection and Archivist was still sleeping on the bed all along.
  12. Everest smiled, "Thanks! That would be great!" He went upstairs to pick a room, noticing the dragon was gone. Or maybe it wasn't, and just turned itself invisible, unseen yet seeing, able to spy on him, watching him while he slept... He shivered at the thought.
  13. why A.C. , why! Weeping, Archivist created pancake razors and killed them. Then he cooked them.
  14. Sensing pegasi in danger, Archivist teleported into the cave and used his newly gained golden pancake powers to summon pancakes for the questing party to eat instead.
  15. He considered Jamie's words. Logically, he knew he should go east. Where he could learn about his powers from more experienced people, where no one will find out what happened. But he wanted to stay. He tried rationalising it with how dangerous it would be to travel all the way there, but he knew the real reason he was doing it was because the nightmares never seemed quite as bad in Seattle. It was silly, but he couldn't forfeit that protection, no matter how false it was. "I think I'll stay here for now."
  16. Okay, you have daymares. Which are nightmare like hallucinations. I wish for better Wi-fi.
  17. Archivist shook his head at the questing party's strangeness and started napping inside his pocket dimension.
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