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Everything posted by ShrubSeph

  1. Granted. You (Warbreaker spoilers) I wish for nightblood and infinite investiture.
  2. On the planet of Fotlery, tap dancing can make things happen. Tapping different rythms or routines can create effects like a blast of fire or reanimation of the dead. The better your shoes fit, the more powerful the magic. Hydraulics
  3. The toags heard Drama and we're offended, so the charged at her (backwards, of course)
  4. @Sorana, Python is made of organic fibers. When I say that it extends itself, I mean it uncoils some of it's body. The knot tying part is usually with a separate rope. Python knows ropes very well, seeing as it is one. If he was in a close fight, he would try to stop it, either by talking (telepathically) or by restraining them. If he saw that he would be destroyed or damaged, he would stop with the logic that he can help people better if not destroyed. He can hurt enemies if he decides that they are not people, since it's command is to protect people from harm. I hope that was helpful. Thank you.
  5. The pies had Hemalurgic spikes in them, courtesy of the dark alley. I actually don't think spiked cookies would work, since there needs to be intent to spike someone. (Don't tell the Dark Alley)
  6. I'll bring some goggles for the pool. Unfortunately, I can't bring a towel.
  7. The nightwatcher looks confused. Cultivation appears and pats there head "Granted" she says, and sends you away. I wish for my bane to be written in binary
  8. I lost but so will @hoiditthroughthegrapevine @The Awakened Salad @Shard of Reading @Frustration @AonEne @Darkfinder @Gears @Emi @RadiantDramaQueen @Sorana
  9. I am always making puns/references about cosmere stuff to my family. None of them understand because they have only read skyward.
  10. Granted. You cannot share this inforation in any way, including 17th shard. I wish for awesomeness.
  11. The other ninjas made fun of Breadninja, so he dropped 17th shardium into the cookies.
  12. Granted. That small piece hits you at 64,000,0005 mph. Your bane is that you get turned into a chicken right before you get hit. I wish for my broccoli arms to turn back into normal arms. They make it really hard to type.
  13. It's alomantic. You can't bring hemalurgy, but you can bring spiked cookies.
  14. Granted. You immediately break your oaths and kill your spren. I wish for an honorblade and an infinite amount of stormlight.
  15. I already did. Granted. They are just like the cookies I wish for an Aviar bonded to me.
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