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Everything posted by ShrubSeph

  1. Inside the black egg is a long hallway with a bench. Resting at the bench will give you worldsense, making a completion percentage show in the Items menu. past the bench is the Hollow Knight, but you won't have to fight them the first time until you break the chains. Once you beat them you get an achievement and the credits role, then you go back to the menu. If you return to your file, you will be back at the bench.
  2. For the rule of standard fines, Is that fine only for if a call for judgement succeeds?
  3. I mean, I don't dislike them and they're kinda cool so yes. TPBM took a cookie.
  4. She tripped and fell into a lake of orange juice, which was the cause of the orange grass
  5. Really? I was under the impression that the lord ruler could get atium, they just couldn't win while they were lord ruler. Also, propose the Abstaining act, saying that if a proposal that is abstained, It can be seconded and brought to the Senate. The senate only needs 2/3 majority to pass this proposal. A proposal is abstained if the LR declares it so, or if the LR doesn't make a decision about the proposal for 3 days or 3 pages, whichever is longer. If an abstained proposal is not seconded for 3 days or 3 pages (again, the longer) after becoming abstained, it is considered rejected. The proposer does not lose atium for this.
  6. being really bad at catching. someone shoots you and you try to catch the bullet, but fail, so it misses you. or terrible juggling. You pick up three baseballs and try to juggle, and they fly at high velocity in random directions. This one is very similar to fulsoms bad dancing.
  7. Oreo was reminded of how old he was when he barely got his defense up in time. If someone had wanted to take him out, he would have been easy picking. Focus, he thought, steeling his nerves. He knelt down and started drawing.
  8. "That was the best compliment I could give you." Oreo said. It was true. It wasn't his fault If they were all terrible Rithmatists. No, It was kind of a joke. He is very cranky.
  9. "I'm not cranky." Oreo said crankily.
  10. Fuji handed over the book. "Here you go. 5 hours."
  11. "Sure. Just don't come crying to me when you lose horribly." Oreo said. He was so good at talking to people, even if they were annoying. @Sart, If two people attack one person, would a line of forbidance block both, or just one?
  12. "Great!" Fuji exclaimed, writing the time on the contract. " just read this over and make sure everything is to your liking, and then sign here. He handed over the contract.
  13. Oreo watched his competition practice circle. Fools. Did they think they could cram what had taken him 20 years to perfect? No, what they should be doing now is making alliances. Oreo decided to talk to some people win them over with his good nature and charisma. He walked over to some of his fellow contestants. "So, Idiots. How do you feel about being destined to fail this battle?"
  14. Fuji pulled a contract out of his voluminous sleeve. "how long would you like to read your book before you become a curator?"
  15. Same (also, reminder to not double post. If you want to add to your previous post, just edit it in.)
  16. Oreo surveyed the competition. This is It? he thought. When I went to Armedius, being a "top student" was difficult. Kids these days... he shook his head.
  17. @Sart, If I still can, I will join as Oreo Wickerstump. He's a grumpy, short old man.
  18. your wife has good taste in Radiant orders.
  19. I proposed these earlier, but I don't know if they were noticed
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