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Everything posted by revelryintheart

  1. " I wanna people to look at me and tremble." @Ookla of Truthshapers
  2. Uh, y'know, all the jokes he makes? Basically his entire character??
  3. Well, the scandalous name came from the AU discord. I actually really don't like anything NSFW, it makes me uncomfortable.
  4. Blushweaver is the other character I have major problems with. Warbreaker would've been practically perfect without her (and the Siri stuff).
  5. i am here to ruin connie's social monopoly or whatever >:)
  6. hey fadran this is MY thread back off aspire I would appreciate it if you wouldn't try to get around the swear filter like that. but yes that picture is GORGEOUS
  7. "And so the dice and the hedgehog were married because of an onion ring." @Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto
  8. "Rev is a Scandalous Disney Princess that does drugs." @Chasmgoat
  9. So I heard some leaks about Bakugo's hero name (I don't read the manga until after the anime's come out, but I do hear some spoilers) SPOILERS FOR THE UPCOMING CHAPTER (293)
  10. The first person I think of when I think of "Christlike love" is my grandpa. He was always so kind to everyone and was so generous and selfless. He was always doing service for everyone and still made time to spend with his grandchildren. I miss you Grandpa
  11. Ooooo that's good antagonist My day has been not great (and my weekend in general) but eh it'll get better eventually
  12. My senior quote is due today, what should it be? I want to do something Sanderson related

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Chasmgoat


      cool! I wonder what mine will be... I have a few years to decide... anyway, still cool!

    3. Doomstick


      Chapter four teens and a pickle

    4. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      I still have four years to decide mine. . . 

  13. Today I'm thankful for @Ookla the Sly. She's been a great friend to me and has been so supportive. I love talking to her and she always manages to help me out in ways she doesn't even know. Thank you Scarlet!!
  14. Truth, although hehe is the greatest word in existence, it is only one word
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