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Experience last won the day on April 25

Experience had the most liked content!

About Experience

  • Birthday 10/31/2003

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Eddie's a nerd!
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  • Interests
    Everything Brandon Sanderson, Piano, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Piano, Running(especially Cross Country, but also track), Piano, RP-ing, piano, saying yay, piano, writing, piano, board games, piano, 17th Shard, piano

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Single Status Update

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  1. I have decided. I'm going to start to ease back into coming back into activeness on the Shard. It's going to be slow going at first, but I plan to eventually get to what I used to be, because I find myself wasting time doing nothing so I might as well do this. 

    I guess valentines day is coming soon. I'll probably make something for that. 

    I don't know what to do for my shardiversery which is in like 2 weeks. Actually, I have this interesting idea for a short story that I might write. We'll see. 

    Also, I'm annoyed at the name change thingy. I want to go back to Experience, and I feel like right when I can someone's going to join with that name. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Experience


      Also, I just noticed we have about 1,115,000 posts already, so I'd say we're going to get to two million a lot faster than 10 years. As long as we continue to employ Connie to mash out thousands of posts. :P 

    3. Mat


      Experience! Welcome back!

    4. Condensation


      Yay!!! Glad you'll be back!

      Yep, it's my job. I'd like a raise, by the way. :P

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