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Everything posted by Chasmgoat

  1. "I would like to see you try." He groaned inwardly. No, he didn't want to get hit. He would probably die to a single blow from this person. Especially now... So, why in the world did he say that? He shook his head in a way he hoped would transmit his thoughts to her. I may say I am strong, but inside. I'm weak
  2. He was so close... Just a few inches... One more jump... He prepared to leap but his device could no longer draw energy. He was depleted. Time went to normal and he grew very, very, hungry and tired. He collapsed to the ground and tried to gain energy from the light and heat around him. He tried managed to grasp a little and felt his hunger weaken. He couldn't give up. Not now. He strained his mind and grabbed a little more. Groaning, he got up and prepared to defend himself.
  3. No... I am the best. I can't be defeated... He attaches his basic cube and begins to draw the light, sound, heat, all the energy he can... NOT. ENOUGH. He commands his time device to draw more and more. 1/2, 1/3, 1/5, 1/10, 1/50, time gets slower and slower until he reaches 1/100th of normal time. He leaps at Ayia and a dagger appears in his hand. He. Was. So. Tired. He needed to stop. But, he could win...
  4. N'Fehn had never seen anything like this. Or even heard of something like this. His time device had cost him more than most had ever seen. It had been used to defeat armies. And... This person is better. Not overwhelmed as most are. maybe... I am not as good as I thought. He reaches to the rod and tries to climb onto it to have the height to hit her.
  5. unsure of how this would turn out, N'Fehn attached a small cube that drained his energy and slowed down time for him. He would grow tired very quickly, but it would help for a short duel. He ran straight at Ayia and struck out with his fist.
  6. "Yes? I think so. Normally, I can't draw in that much power. and... I feel different. It's almost as if my divine soul, the one from the god of the ground... changed."
  7. Lander leaves the Town hall and sees Nala being confronted by a guard. I rolled an 11 on perception, but since she was right outside the town hall, I think it wouldn't be hard to spot. He looks down and covers his head with his hood and wraps his cloak around his body. Shifting his face and body to match that of the mayor. "What are you doing!!!" Vito asks in the voice of the mayor. Vito, previously Lander, throws his hands in the air and moves his hood back. "Can't you see this is an innocent human? Leave her be"
  8. I rolled a six either way "I will take care of these bandits and monsters for 3/4th's the price you would pay a normal group. Thank you for hiring me, I will be back with their heads." Lander spins to walk out
  9. "What do you mean, you don't have a very good track with important people?"
  10. "Alright..." N'Fehn pulls out a small metal cube (the one I posted a pic of earlier) and attaches it to his belt designed to hold it in place against his skin. direct contact was key. He mentally commanded the soul of the metal to started changing energy from the world to him. A large bubble around him grew dark as much of the light was absorbed, turning it into potential energy inside N'Fehn. He also drew the heat of the air, the movement of the wind, the sound of everything. Turning it into a weapon ready to be unleashed. He remained there in a still, silent, dark, cold bubble until he couldn't store anymore power. He then called upon the divine power of the god's soul within. He took the very essence that created his universe and shaped a reflective glave. It was very strong and heavy, weighing several hundred pounds. He took it, and sucked in one final burst of energy, drawing in the chemicals that powered living organisms, leaving them hungry and tired, and launched the polearm into the horizon. "That." He said, glancing at Ayia, "That is what I can do." He sat back down and felt... strange. A feeling struck him. It was very similar to having your hair cut and it growing back a different color. He felt off. And strangely enough, he felt his emotions at full strength again. At least, only certain ones.
  11. Catorphia handed Fie a small satchel and he digs through. With a small pinch of crystals, he swallows it. Getting a sense of direction from his bird, he looked at the person he ran into. A bad mistake. He normally knew better. but there was no changing that he glanced at her with his hollow, scratched out eyes. He looked back down and tried to explore her mind.
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