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Status Replies posted by Koloss17

  1. I do apologize for not being on the shard that much as of late. It’s been a busy few weeks for me, and I haven’t mustered the mental motivation to shift back into Sanderson mode, even with Yumi coming out. 

    However I will say this: I’m a full feruchemist!!!! Woooo! Mayhaps when I get the inspiration, I can get into how absolutely overpowered a full feruchemist can really be, perhaps even with a feruchemy tier list too.

  2. Fadrian, you are a gift unto the world. Just felt like reminding ya.

  3. *sharp inhale*


    1. Koloss17


      Yes, @The Aspiring Archivist, you should. It’s gay month, and profile pictures gotta gay with the times.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Back to one of my OG profile pics we go. It’s honestly one of my favorites, made by the wonderful @Scout_Fox, who has since long left the Shard.

    And happy Pride Month y’all!

    1. Koloss17


      Honestly, it feels so weird to be back on the Shard after all this time. I used to be really active here for quite some time, and then everything kind of crashed down when Covid hit. Now I’m back, and all of my pals have kind of…vanished. I feel bigger than I ever was before, but I feel like I have so few real buds on the Shard. 

      I suppose I’m building a new face on the Shard, aren’t I? I’m almost beginning anew, in a way. It’s interesting, for sure. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. My 1000 post milestone is coming up, and I feel like I need to do something special? With my close to 1000 posts made on the shard, what impacts have I had on it?

    1. Koloss17


      I doubt I’m that significant in the grand scheme of the Shard, but I’ve got to have something to my name at this point, yeah? Maybe my obsession with F-tin? But I have no clue what I could do for a post about that.



  6. Hey mate, my friend finally finished your request.

    Sheyaan's request (regular head).png

    Sheyaan request (purple head).png

    1. Koloss17


      Ohmygod I am so sorry for not noticing this. I’m like barely existing on this site rn and I am not really keeping up with notifications or checking in much. I was even so silly as to compliment your profile pic when I saw that you donned that picture and I actually just realized that I commented on my own profile instead of yours. I am so sorry for like not noticing this and I thank you so much for this and thank you. Sorry!

  7. Nice profile pic! Sorry to be late.

    1. Koloss17


      About noticing your new profile pic

  8. When did I win the day??? I just found out that my endowment’s magic system thing has the heart on it! And for some reason, I can’t see when it happened! 

    1. Koloss17


      I literally found my post about deadeyes before I found my post about Endowment on that board thing. Where is it? Am I looking in the wrong place?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. When did I win the day??? I just found out that my endowment’s magic system thing has the heart on it! And for some reason, I can’t see when it happened! 

    1. Koloss17


      Oh! Is that what that means? I’ve never gotten the hang of it. So the red heart is for leaderboard rep. Winning the day is a separate thing, which is getting the most rep on one day. What are the qualifications for getting on the leaderboard? Does it refresh weekly/monthly? Is it the top 10 posts of that week/month with the most rep? 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. When did I win the day??? I just found out that my endowment’s magic system thing has the heart on it! And for some reason, I can’t see when it happened! 

  11. I had this massive discord call last night with 8 people for four hours where we were supposed to talk about writing but for some reason kept going back to the genocide of humanity from asteriods, COVID, Alex Jones, and MovieBob aka Diabeto. XD

    1. Koloss17


      Now this is the kind of stuff that is worth spending four hours on

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. I had this massive discord call last night with 8 people for four hours where we were supposed to talk about writing but for some reason kept going back to the genocide of humanity from asteriods, COVID, Alex Jones, and MovieBob aka Diabeto. XD

    1. Koloss17


      The almighty power of Alex Jones obliterating humanity with gay frog nukes.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Oh boy! Almost end of January! It’s been an interesting month, but it hasn’t been terrible. Hopefully there’ll be one more touch in the last 2ish weeks that’ll end the month on a high note.

  14. Oh boy! Almost end of January! It’s been an interesting month, but it hasn’t been terrible. Hopefully there’ll be one more touch in the last 2ish weeks that’ll end the month on a high note.

    1. Koloss17


      If you’re asking about the profile pic works, I haven’t gotten any yet. How’s your friend’s work doin’?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Wow! RoW boards sure do give a lot of rep!

    1. Koloss17


      Yeah. I made like a half baked theory there and somehow it got like 5 or so rep, which is more than I get on an average post. It is silly. But basically: post and reply when you can! Rep galore!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. Oh my God, I'm retarded. So, I recently got Dark Souls from my library and have been playing it when nothing is going on in class, and I've been struggling on the first boss, which you find within like, a minute in the game. And I have been fighting with this pathetic excuse of a weapon (A literal broken sword) and just found out there is a corridor you can sneak into for an actual weapon and shield, so I've been fighting this boss with the equivalent of a stick for days, and actually getting over a tenth of the way to killing it.

    1. Koloss17


      I’ve been wanting to get dark souls. Would ya recommend it?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. I’m a small human rep-wise (mainly cuz I don’t do many memes). BUT I currently have the most rep I’ve ever gotten in one post-from a theory! 14 rep ain’t record breaking, but it is quite a lot!


    I wonder if I’ll get post of the day at some point...


    1. Koloss17


      So how does the won the day thing work? Lots of rep within 24 hours?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. I’m a small human rep-wise (mainly cuz I don’t do many memes). BUT I currently have the most rep I’ve ever gotten in one post-from a theory! 14 rep ain’t record breaking, but it is quite a lot!


    I wonder if I’ll get post of the day at some point...


  19. For my next profile pic, I need an artist! Someone who might be able to make some nice art. An art human. I want to have a more being-like profile pic. If any of my now 21 followers are capable of at least finding a human that can do good art, I’d be in their debt. 

    My plan is to PM those that are up to the challenge details on what exactly I want to hire them for, but if it is better that I just say the details here, I can do that too.

  20. For my next profile pic, I need an artist! Someone who might be able to make some nice art. An art human. I want to have a more being-like profile pic. If any of my now 21 followers are capable of at least finding a human that can do good art, I’d be in their debt. 

    My plan is to PM those that are up to the challenge details on what exactly I want to hire them for, but if it is better that I just say the details here, I can do that too.

  21. For my next profile pic, I need an artist! Someone who might be able to make some nice art. An art human. I want to have a more being-like profile pic. If any of my now 21 followers are capable of at least finding a human that can do good art, I’d be in their debt. 

    My plan is to PM those that are up to the challenge details on what exactly I want to hire them for, but if it is better that I just say the details here, I can do that too.

  22. Happy new year!!

    1. Koloss17


      Over here, it isn’t quite the new year, but happy new year!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. happy birthday!

    1. Koloss17



      for my birthday, I’m going to post some analytics on the correlation of rep and followers and stuff like that, for those that are interested. It isn’t big, but it’s been something I’ve been thinking about for a bit.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. For my next profile pic, I need an artist! Someone who might be able to make some nice art. An art human. I want to have a more being-like profile pic. If any of my now 21 followers are capable of at least finding a human that can do good art, I’d be in their debt. 

    My plan is to PM those that are up to the challenge details on what exactly I want to hire them for, but if it is better that I just say the details here, I can do that too.

  25. For my next profile pic, I need an artist! Someone who might be able to make some nice art. An art human. I want to have a more being-like profile pic. If any of my now 21 followers are capable of at least finding a human that can do good art, I’d be in their debt. 

    My plan is to PM those that are up to the challenge details on what exactly I want to hire them for, but if it is better that I just say the details here, I can do that too.

    1. Koloss17


      Thank you for telling me. I’m a really self conscious person, so I worry about everything I say and do. So it helps to have this type of feedback.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

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