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Channelknight Fadran

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  1. If you're into anime, then chances are you've heard of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

    ...actually, scratch that. You've probably heard of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

    It's in the name that this isn't any ordinary show, and you would be completely right in assuming that it's absolutely nothing like other animes. It's something of a monolith in the anime community: there are the regular Weebs, and then there are the JoJo's fans who must never be disturbed. Those who love this show are of a different breed of nerd.

    The problem is that curiosity will get the better of you, sooner or later. You'll say to yourself, "I'll watch a few episodes and see if it's any good," and chances are that'll be the end of it. If the style and storytelling doesn't catch your eye, you'll give up - but give it a few episodes, and you'll be doomed to return.

    All JoJo's fans begin by loving the show ironically. Its battle scenes are simultaneously incredibly realistic and fantastical; each episode's plotline is both extremely predictable and arbitrary. It's a character-driven show, and yet the characters are incredibly one-dimensional.

    But the show knows this.

    Which means that if you love JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ironically,

    then you begin to love it unironically


    and once that happens, there is no going back

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