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Channelknight Fadran

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  1. ...Where did you get that muffin?

    Muffin Button.

    But I didn't install a muffin button.

    ...Then where did I get this muffin?

    Where did you get that muffin?

    Muffin Button.


    and it continues in an infinite loop


    (I'm eating a muffin)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PyroPhile
    3. DramaQueen


      Danex I have a friend who says that all the time and every single time I tell him to stop as soon as he starts

    4. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      schizophrenic? I was schizophrenic once. they locked me in a room, a room with all my friends. my friends make me schizophrenic. 

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