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Channelknight Fadran

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  1. Guys...

    How in the heck do I DM a decent campaign?

    (I'm talking about D&D, btw, in case you weren't aware)

    All of my sessions are just super boring combat montages and nothing ever happens. If I present the players with anything other than a monster and a roll for initiative, then they just deal with it as fast as possible and get to killing another demon. It's just dice rolling after dice rolling after dice rolling. I absolutely loathe every minute of it and nothing I can find offers any solution.

    So I'm not looking for one of those vague responses like "adapt to your players" or "give them something else to do." If any of you has some sort of miracle cure for this then I'd love to hear it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      They're minmaxing edgelord murderhobo cretins

    3. theTruthshaper


      Are they getting bored or are just you getting bored? Because, if it's the first then you should ask them what they want. If it's the second.. then your playing styles probably don't match.

    4. Frustration


      Simple make it more worth their while to roleplay.

      Example, looting corpses, tell them that if they just roll to search they will get random loot, but if they rollplay the search they will get set rewards.

      "I check inside his boots"

      "You find a knife inside"


      I'll also recommend my mentor for DMing, because DM Lair is awesome


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