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Channelknight Fadran

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    • Does anyone else remember learning about the American Gilded Age's Captains of Industry? About the lack of child labor laws, unhealthy working conditions, low wages, highly treacherous factories; back when the billionaires kept getting richer because they funded the politicians willing to turn a blind eye to their unethical means of wealth, convincing themselves that the money would "trickle down" to the poor and that really this was best for everyone? Back when they were pumping tonnes of gaseous waste into the atmosphere; back when women and foreigners and people of color were treated as less than human; back when workers had no choice but to go on strike and starve for days as the only alternative?
      • Man. I'm so glad we put those days behind us.
    • We should mandate all-gender restrooms. That may sound stupid but it isn't because we should also mandate stalls that go from floor to ceiling with locks that work and amenities for all walks of life readily available.
      • And remove urinals altogether, because men are incapable of wielding them properly.
    • Are there any bona-fide Professional Mathematicians around anymore? Like, just people who pour all their time and effort into finding patterns in numbers so that all other Mathematicians and no one else can appreciate them?
    • Why do we still have popcorn at the cinema? Why not something quiet to eat, that doesn't stick in your teeth or dry your mouth to a crisp two-thirds the way into the movie? Why not, like... boba pellets? Or grapes?
    • "Fellowship of the Ring at 99% strength" you fool, each member is exactly 1/7th of the total strength, and I can explain at length why that is. 99% is after the journey's over and Frodo's lost one of his fingers.
    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      You sound like my debate teacher and it kind of scares me.

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