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Channelknight Fadran

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  1. Here's a status update: I have no clue how active I'll be over the next few days. Why? Because I'm getting my second dose vax and from what I heard that bugger SLAPS.

    So if you never hear from me again, it's because the darned thing killed me. Fingers crossed! (Not to die).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flaming Coinshot

      Flaming Coinshot

      From what I heard, it's sick, less sick, okay-ish, fine. And then...INVINCIBLE!!! (Congrats)

    3. Scarletfox


      Yoooo I'm getting my second dose day after tomorrow B)B):blink:

    4. Tesh



      Yeah, it depends on the person. My dad was out for a few days, my mom just had a sore arm, I was exhausted the day after I got it (but my arm didn't hurt), and my sister was perfectly fine.

      Good luck!

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