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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. MR52: Guard Duty Getting guard duty on the upper levels of Uritheru is probably about the most boring post you could have. But, at least today you’ve got a deck of cards to play with. How will you play? What cards will you gain? Do you even know what the rules are? Or what the name of the game is? How much will you bet, how much will you loose? We'll find out.... Welcome to MR52: Guard Duty! I’m very excited to be your GM for this game, but it is my first time so bear with me as I figure things out! (I am looking for a co-gm, pm me if interested) GM: @lotus Co-gm: @Illwei IM: TBD Signups will end Sunday, August 1st at 9:00 am PST and the game will begin shortly after that. Rules: (Link to rules dock HERE) Player list: Spectators: Quick links: Questions? Just tag me! Please let me know if I forgot anything in this post!
  2. I’m going to post signups for my MR probably tomorrow but I’m looking for a experienced GM to co-go it with me as this will be my first game GMing
  3. I can't remember if I sent it to the committee or not... EDIT: Seems I did not. Time to PM and hope I don't die.
  4. I would be very very much intrested in running a game Rn, it would be like the most continent time for me for a long whike
  5. I think I have a rule like that in one of my MR. it’s a particular tule who has a ‘tell’ every time they say a direct lie
  6. I've been trying to figure out how best to make my 'Sanderson bachalor' game and really struggling. I love the concept, but I can't figure out rules that would go well with it
  7. *Intro music plays * Hello and welcome to KAS radio, the best source for local and regional news. Our normal hosts, Jim and Bob, are out right now. I'll be filling in for them. I seem to be suspicious most of Steel and Araris at the moment, although really I find everyone except for Alvon and Illwei to be suspicious, so thats not much help. I believe I did already vote Archer and I stand by that vote, but going to have The unknown order for worker leader. Thats it for now but stay tuned for more KAS radio!
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