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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Nobody ever treats what Dalinar did as a good thing. Hell, Dalinar hates himself because of it. He sees HIMSELF as irredeemable, but even despite that, he's trying to do better. He doesn't want to be the warlord who would slaughter an entire village without remorse again, and he hasn't. Amaram and Sadeas aren't villains because their actions are worse than those of our heroes. They're villains because they refuse to change. Dalinar paid the price for his crimes by killing his wife with his own hands, but instead of staying how he was, or gods forbid getting worse, he decided to try and become a better man. Nobody claims that the Blackthorn was a good man. He was a violent, bloodthirsty, abusive man who was tempted to murder his own brother just so he could go out and fight and kill more people. Dalinar Kholin would be a villain if this story took place twenty or thirty years before it did. But he has changed, and in changing, he has become a better man worthy of being called a hero, even in spite of the crimes of his past.
  2. Nightblood. Who wouldn't want to be buddies with a crazy sword that will tell you to kill people and might end up killing you.
  3. I now know the endgame of Stormlight. They're gonna go back to the past and kill baby Odium. It's fine because it's Odium (thanks Rhodey)
  4. It's not supposed to be clear that it's Sazed. You're supposed to think it's Vin writing it.
  5. Hi, I'm dumb and managed to forget all of the characters call signs. Can't find anywhere they're listed, and I don't actually own the book. Could someone help me out and tell me them? Thanks
  6. It's because Vin got rid of his Metalminds. When Compounding, you need to have a Metalmind, otherwise you can't use Feruchemy. So when Vin got rid of his Metalminds, he became unable to burn Atium feruchemically, which aged him to his real age.
  7. Another hint to Vivenna is that she talks about a princess who left her kingdom rather than rule it, which is all but said to be her.
  8. That's what you said. You said "The Heralds left the Taln behind". I'm just quoting you.
  9. A few days ago, I began Scott Lynch's The Lies of Locke Lamora, and am planning on reading about a chapter a day (considering I'm also playing three different games at the same time. I'm really bad about finishing what I start before starting another.)
  10. Nah. I did forget about Mraize's showing up in Urithiru beyond the end in WoR, but I don't think I confused it. I think I just assumed that both tellings of the Girl Who Looked Up were in the theater, and as a result assumed the scene took place in Urithiru. I do feel like I remember Wit's first appearance to Shallan being in Urithuru, not the capital, but I could just be confusing it with his actual first appearance which, if I recall, was outside of one of the Oathgate platforms.
  11. For all you WTC fans out there (assuming there are any here), Ciconia's OP has released!
  12. I coulda swore Wit's first appearances was in Urithiru, but ig my memory is just bad. Ah well, thanks for the help
  13. Well, I didn't mix them up, I just forgot the details of the Wit scene. I knew there was a scene with Pattern in the theater where Shallan told the story, I just thought the Wit chapter also took place in the theater
  14. Okay, so I spent the last, like, half an hour looking for a chapter in Oathbringer (mostly scrolling through the Oathbringer chapter summaries on Coppermind), and I could not for the life of me find it. It's the chapter where Wit and Shallan talk in private in Urithiru in the theater about Shallan's multiple personalities. I wanted to reread that chapter because it's really good, but it's hard to do that when you can't find it
  15. WoK Syl for a serious answer. Stick for a meme answer. Doomslug the Destroyer for a non-Cosmere answer.
  16. This really isn't a question. Stick is a Shard. He is, in fact, the best Shard.
  17. Well, think about this: What is the combination of Preservation and Ruin? Harmony. I don't know about you, but that fits Feruchemy to a T.
  18. Well, assuming we take Hoid at his word, and he's never really said or done anything terribly disagreeable so I see little reason to doubt him, particularly when compared to Rayse who has murdered several people already and is trying to commit genocide against an entire planet at the moment, then he is not exactly the world's most pleasant person.
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