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Status Replies posted by Chinkoln

  1. 5 on AP Calc AB

    5 on AP Bio

    5 on AP World

    5 on AP Environmental

    4 on AP Physics

    4 on AP Lang

    3 on AP Seminar

    1. Chinkoln


      I’ve been doing pretty good, went to AFY, am about to go on a cruise with my family!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that I present to you, your 6000th reputation point!

  3. My philosophy is one of destruction and despair. Duty is but a feeble excuse for the atrocities I have committed. The crown upon my head is stained with the blood of the guilty, and the throne upon which I sit is but a symbol of all that I have destroyed. The sword in my hand is the tool of my destruction, wielded by my own hand. But alas, there are too many rules that bind me. The human form is a curse, a constant reminder of my own inadequacies. I look upon myself and see only failure. I have done my best, yet it was never enough. I tried, and failed, and tried again, yet still it was not enough. I had the power to change the world, yet I left it worse than I found it. I am nothing but a bringer of chaos, a harbinger of death.
    But there is a glimmer of hope in the darkness. Somewhere, there is a home that awaits me, a place of peace where I may find solace. I enter towns, make them mine, yet when I leave, I leave them broken. The words "come and be human with me" spoken by Keaton Henson are a beacon of love in the darkness. But the one who hurt me still haunts me, and in my nightmares they say "I forgive you." Anger is a feeling I cannot escape, but it is also one I cannot accept. It is an ugly thing, and I cannot bear to look upon it. The sun rises and sets, and God teaches me of guilt. When I die, I will be tired, and it will not matter where I go, as long as it is not here. If I were to go to Hell, I know it would be a place of doubt and despair. My only hope is to be free, to let go of all that I have done. I often ask "how can you love me with all that I have done?" But I am not a king, nor a ruler or a lowly commoner. I am not a poet or an educated man. I am death and chaos, the universal force of entropy. I am Scrios.

    1. Chinkoln


      Not sure if I’ll be back for long or again, life is life, and sometimes life doesn’t want to be life, so life takes matters into its own hands

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. My philosophy is one of destruction and despair. Duty is but a feeble excuse for the atrocities I have committed. The crown upon my head is stained with the blood of the guilty, and the throne upon which I sit is but a symbol of all that I have destroyed. The sword in my hand is the tool of my destruction, wielded by my own hand. But alas, there are too many rules that bind me. The human form is a curse, a constant reminder of my own inadequacies. I look upon myself and see only failure. I have done my best, yet it was never enough. I tried, and failed, and tried again, yet still it was not enough. I had the power to change the world, yet I left it worse than I found it. I am nothing but a bringer of chaos, a harbinger of death.
    But there is a glimmer of hope in the darkness. Somewhere, there is a home that awaits me, a place of peace where I may find solace. I enter towns, make them mine, yet when I leave, I leave them broken. The words "come and be human with me" spoken by Keaton Henson are a beacon of love in the darkness. But the one who hurt me still haunts me, and in my nightmares they say "I forgive you." Anger is a feeling I cannot escape, but it is also one I cannot accept. It is an ugly thing, and I cannot bear to look upon it. The sun rises and sets, and God teaches me of guilt. When I die, I will be tired, and it will not matter where I go, as long as it is not here. If I were to go to Hell, I know it would be a place of doubt and despair. My only hope is to be free, to let go of all that I have done. I often ask "how can you love me with all that I have done?" But I am not a king, nor a ruler or a lowly commoner. I am not a poet or an educated man. I am death and chaos, the universal force of entropy. I am Scrios.

    1. Chinkoln


      It originated in my mind, except Scrios which is destruction in Irish, and the quotes I quoted. The quotes came from other people… cause they are quotes 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. My philosophy is one of destruction and despair. Duty is but a feeble excuse for the atrocities I have committed. The crown upon my head is stained with the blood of the guilty, and the throne upon which I sit is but a symbol of all that I have destroyed. The sword in my hand is the tool of my destruction, wielded by my own hand. But alas, there are too many rules that bind me. The human form is a curse, a constant reminder of my own inadequacies. I look upon myself and see only failure. I have done my best, yet it was never enough. I tried, and failed, and tried again, yet still it was not enough. I had the power to change the world, yet I left it worse than I found it. I am nothing but a bringer of chaos, a harbinger of death.
    But there is a glimmer of hope in the darkness. Somewhere, there is a home that awaits me, a place of peace where I may find solace. I enter towns, make them mine, yet when I leave, I leave them broken. The words "come and be human with me" spoken by Keaton Henson are a beacon of love in the darkness. But the one who hurt me still haunts me, and in my nightmares they say "I forgive you." Anger is a feeling I cannot escape, but it is also one I cannot accept. It is an ugly thing, and I cannot bear to look upon it. The sun rises and sets, and God teaches me of guilt. When I die, I will be tired, and it will not matter where I go, as long as it is not here. If I were to go to Hell, I know it would be a place of doubt and despair. My only hope is to be free, to let go of all that I have done. I often ask "how can you love me with all that I have done?" But I am not a king, nor a ruler or a lowly commoner. I am not a poet or an educated man. I am death and chaos, the universal force of entropy. I am Scrios.

    1. Chinkoln


      If it brings you pleasure, then we can say it is solely writing and a creation of the mind, nothing more

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Happy birthday, Chinkoln!

  7. Church prom and senior graduation were yesterday…

    I had fun. I was chorister at graduation, center dude in the mosh pit of Titanium, my date and I were the only couple who actually went with a date because… everyone else is lame.
    They had Cheerwine, which you probably don’t know what that is unless you live in the deep South. Tasty.

    1. Chinkoln


      Well, it was called the Senior Ball, but it was essentially prom because unlike a normal dance people 16 and older were asked to bring a date, but anyone turning 14 that year and older could come

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. takht ya takhta

  9. I have a date to the senior ball!!!!


    And she said yes!!!!!!!!


  10. Happy Easter!  He is risen!

    1. Chinkoln


      He is risen! In this situation, it is Life AFTER Death instead of life before death

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.

  12. Comprehensive list of today's holidays, in increasing order of importance:

    • National Laundry Day
    • National Glazed Spiral Ham Day
    • National Rubber Eraser Day
    • Take a Wild Guess Day
    • Jackie Robinson Day
    • Titanic Remembrance Day
    • Passover/Good Friday
    • Emma Watson (not Emma Watson Day, not Emma Watson's Birthday: just Emma Watson)
  13. Comprehensive list of today's holidays, in increasing order of importance:

    • National Laundry Day
    • National Glazed Spiral Ham Day
    • National Rubber Eraser Day
    • Take a Wild Guess Day
    • Jackie Robinson Day
    • Titanic Remembrance Day
    • Passover/Good Friday
    • Emma Watson (not Emma Watson Day, not Emma Watson's Birthday: just Emma Watson)
    1. Chinkoln


      As a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I feel like Good Friday should be the most important

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  14. Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.

    1. Chinkoln


      I’m 90% sure that is the language of the Mandalorians, and if so then Kasimir said “Pressure makes gems, ease makes decay”

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. time for the long rambling post. yay! *sigh*

    this has been an awesome year everyone! This has been amazing. I may have been inactive around summer, but I made it up around winter right? Right? I made TLT soooo much better, right? anyways, I have loved all these friendships, it has been so awesome to do ridiculous stuff with y'all, trying new things and such.

    now, for the large LIST OF DOOOM! actually not doom, but... the drama, am I right?

    anyhow, first up we have @Random Bystander, I just feel like you were one of the first people I met and joined my terrible first rps lol. it was fun when you were active.

    @Chinkoln you were one of my first friends you awesome otter! beating you was so fun for those like four days. :P

    @Szeth's Facepalm that stormin' facepalm! lol. you are just so great! I love messing around with you all around the community forum heh. you are so fun to be around.

    @Elf you are really awesome! though my first response to you, well, may have been a bit cheeky, I've grown to value you as a really great friend! (same with the rest of you btw)

    @Doomslug The Destroyer you awesome person! we were friends from the very moment we met on TPBM. so many similarities. you are an awesome friend and pal! (minecraft is fun too)

    @Karamathi'ani'telliteki'un hallo minecraft friend! the second person on minecraft I met who liked Brando Sando! you are so fun to be around even if you aren't really active on either platform anymore.

    @Channelknight Fadran you are awesome, what else is there to say?

    @Nameless it is fun to try (and fail) to frustrate you on TLT lol. it has been soooo fun to play it with you. thank you for that really awesome storyline with Someone Else talkign to his grandchildren a week or two ago.

    was I going to add more? I really should have, a lot more people deserver to be on here for enduring my faults and very weird traits.

    another day will dawn,


    1. Chinkoln


      Happy Shardiversary!!!!! It’s been A YEAR!!!!! I remember how when you first joined, you got in trouble because your storming NAME violated the RoW spoiler period

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hi this is a therapy assignment that I’m gonna be doing every day

    Feel free to ignore

     Today I went to school and nothing really eventful happened except for my math test. I was having a really hard time not counting but there were multiple numbers over 1000 again so I knew I couldn’t count or I wouldn’t finish the test like last time. I had a mini panic attack because not counting is a big no no for me but I did some deep breathing (and maybe a bit of bargaining) and I finished the test and turned it in without waiting for someone else to stand up

     I also didn’t obsess the entire time over it the rest of the day, only some of the time.


    Love y’all bye

  17. I want to cry
    I can see the stars. I’m at the beach, and I can see the stars. There aren’t cities near here, no light or noise pollution. I can just stare up and see the stars. Orion, Virgo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Polaris. It is beautiful.

    I have traveled to most states, dozens of national parks across over 20 countries. I have been to the places that have supposedly been preserves of nature, preserves of peace. Very rarely have I been to a place and it has been so undisturbed, so clean, so perfect

    Also I saw some dolphins


    1. Chinkoln


      Oh definitely. If it wasn’t for God and Jesus, humanity is doomed. 
      That actually makes me happy, because I know humanity is doomed. It means that the 2nd Coming of Christ is relatively soon, otherwise we will all be dead or in an apocalyptic world.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  18. I want to cry
    I can see the stars. I’m at the beach, and I can see the stars. There aren’t cities near here, no light or noise pollution. I can just stare up and see the stars. Orion, Virgo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Polaris. It is beautiful.

    I have traveled to most states, dozens of national parks across over 20 countries. I have been to the places that have supposedly been preserves of nature, preserves of peace. Very rarely have I been to a place and it has been so undisturbed, so clean, so perfect

    Also I saw some dolphins


    1. Chinkoln


      On a religious basis, I doubt humanity will go extinct

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  19. I want to cry
    I can see the stars. I’m at the beach, and I can see the stars. There aren’t cities near here, no light or noise pollution. I can just stare up and see the stars. Orion, Virgo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Polaris. It is beautiful.

    I have traveled to most states, dozens of national parks across over 20 countries. I have been to the places that have supposedly been preserves of nature, preserves of peace. Very rarely have I been to a place and it has been so undisturbed, so clean, so perfect

    Also I saw some dolphins


    1. Chinkoln


      1. Outer Banks, North Carolina

      2. Fadran, Betelgeuse ain’t going to explode for like 100k years. Don’t hold your breath

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)


    Who wants a vibe check? I'm in the vibe for vibe checking people.

    1. Chinkoln


      Wdym to my own dismay?!? I literally walk around with 3 knives stashed in various places on my person, and depending on where I am I’ve got a Glock with me as well

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

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